modder info

Nemuidesu's Modding History

01:20:511 (1,2,3,4) - same thing can be applied here
It can also be applied to this section 01:36:006 - 01:45:606.
Yeah now I understood what you meant. I think I will still stay by keeping this overlap. It makes this section 03:17:046 (2,3,4) - feel similar with intensity to this one 03:21:618 (2,3,4). Not overlapping these sliders makes it feel a lot more intense than you would expect, so I want to keep it fitting to the song rather than making even visual spacing.
That still doesn't explain much.
Ez ignore.
Dude really thinks I'm gonna give him free kudosu for random object placement suggestion.
Do we even have the same map opened? 1. It's pretty much the same slider but mirrored. 2. there are no overlaps here, none at all.
Overlap - yes, triangle - ?
Right but partially. 03:02:618 (5) - this belongs to this pattern 03:01:760 (1,2,5) - so I can't move it.
I don't know what you did with this link but content isn't available anymore. So I will just say yes, I fully agree with that, mhm, yes, of course...
I didn't move it. I remapped the slider to have a better flow and no overlap.
Moved it to the right. (?)
Remapped this one already.
Objects far away from each other on timeline, no need to move down by a couple of pixels.
Objects far away from each other on timeline, I did move it closer but no need for stacking.
Objects far away from each other on timeline, it doesn't pose that big of an issue if any at all.
First time I checked this mod it felt so random but I think I know what you meant: Visual spacing between these objects 02:26:618 (1) 02:27:046 (2,2). Clicking on the one you've sent takes me to different objects which are placed well. Overall I agree with the mod. I moved 02:27:046 (2) - to the right.
It's good as is. I don't want to move that circle closer to this one 02:14:475 (5) - because it would make the next jump feel too out-of-place. Half overlapping with this one 02:13:332 (4) - would make it be closer to this one 02:14:475 (5) - so ima pass on that one.
Big yes but I just made the previous slider longer to fit vocals.
Left? You mean right? (moved to the right)
Then it's too close to this previous slider 02:06:332 (6).
Right, but only partially. 02:03:760 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - objects are far away from each other on timeline the overlap is not apparent when playing. I leave it as is.
oh damn i didn't notice this H U G E spacing
01:59:475 (3,4,5,6) - symmetrical pattern. 01:59:760 (5,1) - blanket. I like it as is.
Partially yes, partially no. 01:58:332 (3) - moved this up to avoid overlap. Flow is already good for the player. I'm not planning to make each flow adjusted purely for the comfort of the player.
Remade entire pattern.
It's already pretty good to play for the player. I did move it a bit due to slight overlap happening here 01:47:332 (12,7).
I replayed this section at least 10 times to see how could it feel awkward - to me it feels ok. The slow-down happened here 01:41:760 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - but it was lower pitch. To highlight higher pitch for next similar section I used slow sliders to keep it simple to play together with having some kind of emphasis.
This section has already been nerfed hard. Tight curves makes these sliders appear fast but feel easy to play. It also makes the synth sound stand out even more, which I wanted to highlight.
Right. I also reversed the movement of this jump 01:32:327 (4,5).
Right. I did move it so it looks a bit better.
I did move it but in a different way.
I use overlap that's present here on every similar-sounding section so spacing it out would force me to change more patterns.
I chose to follow vocals by using slider-circle-slider-circle which, in my opinion, follows the song well. I will decrease the spacing here 00:33:317 (4,5) - so it makes more sense with volume of vocals. I don't get your 2nd mod.
I like the pause in movement especially before next part which has more movement present.
I remade the entire pattern.
Now it is more active.