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ThisYuzu's Modding History

all done
eldiablo, It is difficult to make a change in that section, moving one or two notes to another column ends up repeating the same problem that u indicate, but in the other hand, anyway, those two parts have been slighty updated.
the LNs really follow the bg sound, making a rice in this section does not seem good to me, I'll keep the LNs
the notes that u indicate to me as "ghost notes" are following the vocal in a certain way, I have not placed a note where u mention that one is missing, bc the tone is more delicate and slow in comparison to the others
fixed, but the notes removed were another one that u have not indicated to me, to maintain consistency
after the .mp3 of the map changed the sections that you marked, they sent me to notes that aren't the ones u wanted to mark, for the moment I'll consider these mods as finished. (at least until u decide to recheck it, if u do lol)
After thinking about it for a while, I decided that the triple notes would be changed to doubles and in the section that you had mentioned that "inconsistencies" were found compared to the first part of the map, doubles were added. (the truth is that it was faster to do this than to talk to the owner of the Insane difficulty lol)
I understand your first point, but I think there is a clear and big difference in sound between - 00:04:722 (4722|2,4722|3) - and - 00:05:293 (5293|3,5293|0,5293|1) - that's why I used triples About the second point, the reason for that difference is that in the previous part (from the beginning to - 00:13:865 -) there are no lyrics, in the parts following the second 13:865, Im following the sounds with the voice, I didn't want to overload that entire section with notes, that's why I preferred to reduce the double notes to single ones. So, if you think it will be better to place the doubles, please let me know and I will immediately place them
|0|1|2|3| - 01:52:133 - the note |1| was removed, ty I didn't understand why you marked the same section again in another message, but it's all fixed now
true, fixed
That's exactly what I was thinking about, but I didn't know how to apply it, I think I'll just do a ctrl+h and xd so.. applied, ty
Aplly the first point you mentioned, I will not apply the second because I would not like to use many LNs in that part of the map, but if you really recommend replacing the simple note with the LN in 1/2, I will consider applying the first change.
I don't really like the LNs in 1/2 and lower, but it's fixed now, thanks
done! ty ty <3
ok I'm going to need help with that, I changed the audio and I've been trying to correct the offset ever since, I'll try to do it another day xD btw, thank you very much for the audio!
Could you check it again now? I made an mp3 change, but I don't know if it made any difference
I'm going to need help with that, but I'll see what I can do.
done! owo
Now that you say it, I've listened to this part more carefully, you're absolutely right, I'll correct it right now.
I think it's a nice suggestion, but applied in gameplay I find it uncomfortable and it doesn't seek to represent the only sound that I want to make a difference in the kiai part of the map, which is represented in this area - 00:40:515 (40515|2 .40802|3.40897|1) - I feel that if I place more of those last two notes in a row, the intention I had with my mapping is completely lost. I'll still give you the kudo because I liked the suggestion, but I don't find it applicable no matter how much I look for a way qwp
I'm going to test it, I would totally change the map, but it was not my intention to represent that sound in its entirety, that's why I only represented it with these notes in - 00:40:802 (40802|3,42329|0) - etc When I finish checking it and see if I like it better that way, I will take it as resolved and give you the kudo owob
done, if the "columns" are 1|2|3|4 haha (normally for me they are 0|1|2|3 xD )
00:23:042 (23042|1,23042|0) - Why did you place doubles here? 00:23:817 (23817|1) - here you have exactly the same sound (including the guitar in the background, just in case) and here you did not use doubles, the sound is too weak for place the doubles, you could consider removing them
00:17:874 (17874|3,18092|3) - I don't think it is appropriate to place jack in this part, the notes dont represent the same or similar sound, I would recommend redoing the entire pattern 00:17:874 (17874|3,18092|3,18310|1,18527|2,18745|3,18745|0) - not to mention that it is an "easy" difficulty and the use of jack does not seem appropriate to me, even less so when you only use them twice in the entire mapping
00:22:883 (22883|2,23101|0,23101|2) - I don't think this is appropriate when in previous sounds it is represented with the notes in different columns ( example 00:15:043 (15043|0.15261|2.15261|3) - ) 00:23:101 (23101|2) - I would recommend moving this note to column 1 and 00:23:536 (23536|1) - and this one to column 2
I saw that I gave you the mod without updating the map, likewise, some notes that I suggested have not been placed yet xD
sorry, --> As you can notice, the sound is heard a little later than in the parts I mentioned before, I wouldn't know if you could still place the note *
I never followed the vocal with the notes in those sections, about the HS, -Ryu- was in charge, they had 2 modifications, before and after the piano, the piano "following the voice" (half, because it never follows it completely) They didn't sound bad, so I decided to keep them. If I see more opinions about it in the future I will consider applying it, for the moment I will leave it as it currently is, or maybe just change the HS
I had forgotten to respond to the mod, I did apply the changes!
a note was moved to column |1|
I understand your point, but I don't completely agree, since there are ranked maps that in their normal difficulties that is totally ignored, plus on my map I represent that only in the Kiai part and these are examples of what I mentioned, an "old" map and a more current one my conclusion, for the moment I will not apply the suggestion, even so, I will take it into account in the future if necessary.
01:26:577 (86577|1,86733|1,86889|2,87046|1,87046|0,87202|3,87358|1) - Here you should apply the same if you take my suggestion, etc
Zenkiu, all changes applied
Como lloran con el span, digo snap Buscaba hacerlo diferente ya que aunque es el "mismo" sonido, se representa con un tono de melodía distinta, menos "alegre" que al inicio, pero ya lo cambié, ya está todo en el mismo
LN was changed to simple note
Añadida y se cambió la sección de 1/12 a 1/8, se percibe mejor al jugar
No me gustaba mucho como quedaba, antes estaba así, pero si aquí mi buen amigo menfis dice que ta bueno lo volvemos a lo que era antes
Me la pienso pero por ahora lo dejo como ta
Yo lo veo a ustede muy bien. Se transformó a dobles y se cambió el patrón para no hacer un patrón molesto.
I understand your point, but I don't really want to use mini-LN's, since in that case they would be mini-LN's, that's why I chose to put simple notes (I hate meaningless mini LN's when I can use a simple note)
applied, ty <3 my notes went away xD
after thinking about it for a moment, I decided to apply it, ty
If you like it, you could use something like this
colocar una nota doble allí? no es mala idea, igual y quizás lo agrego, gracias xD