100 100 100 100 pattern
04:32:119 (1,2) - unstack? (see: 04:16:381 (1,2) - , 04:21:627 (1,2) - , 04:37:365 (1,2) - , 04:42:611 (1,2) - , etc)
02:58:184 (4) - not sure if its possible but moving this as a stack under 02:57:856 (2) - like https://i.imgur.com/LQG9HXM.jpeg makes more sense to me musically cus theyre the same sound. also makes the movement feel more engaging rather than just sharp angle
honestly i wasnt really vibing with the movement there being back and forths so i changed the pattern entirely, shouldnt contrast so weirdly with 04:10:924 (5,1) - anymore