Nitpick, I like the second bpm line to be at 00:12:933 - instead of 00:11:013 - but I am not sure what is theoretically more correct, so feel free to ignore this one
Tbh, I would just ignore the vocals and only focus on the instruments, just having single notes. Feel free to close it again if you rather keep the doubles
It would still feel weird if you compare this with the hardest diff as you use doubles for all the white lines there while ignoring red lines. I would just put it on the white lines and to differentiate it from the hardest diff you can do it every other white line.
(So doubles at 01:01:255 - and 01:01:880 - and nowhere else)
I want to add:
lengthen this ln to 00:25:005 - as the sound ends here and it's gonna be a bit too hard to have ln's end on red lines without an accompanying note in easy diffs (excluding very long ln's).
It happens here too! 01:29:380 (89380|3) -
I think I may have changed this part before I read this mod, not sure but the flip looked really weird xd
I tried to balance it a bit more now, see if you like that more
I feel like it doesn't sound strong enough to justify a triple here? idk
It would be the only triples in that secion, although it doesnt feel particulary more intense imo
I'll keep this unresolved for now
I changed the notes 02:00:318 (120318|1,120425|2,120532|1) - to LN's if that is what you meant by layering all four synths.
It feels kinda overwhelming though to suddenly have 4 LN's there. Think single notes instead can work or will that mess up the consistency too much?