Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
[Colours] //You can add up to 8 colours. Combo1:223,223,69 Combo2:42,255,63 Combo3:42,93,255 Combo4:209,42,63 //green blue red yellow SliderTrackOverride: 4,2,0 SpinnerBackground: 31,31,31 [Mania] Keys: 4 ColumnStart: 327 ColumnWidth: 50,50,50,50 Hit300g: hit300.png [Mania] Keys: 6 ColumnStart: 277 ColumnWidth: 50,50,50,50,50,50 Hit300g: hit300.png [Mania] Keys: 7 ColumnStart: 270 ColumnWidth: 45,45,45,45,45,45,45 Hit300g: hit300.png [Mania] Keys: 8 SplitStages: 1 SeparateScore: 1 StageSeparation: 20 ColumnStart: 257 ColumnWidth: 40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40 Hit300g: hit300.png
public class MyClass { static boolean isPrime(int n) { if (n <= 1) return false; else if (n <= 3) return true; else if ((n % 2 == 0) || (n % 3 == 0)) { System.out.println(n+" % 2 == "+n%2+" | "+n+" % 3 == "+n%3); return false; } for (int i = 5; i*i <= n; i+=6) { System.out.print(i + " | "+n+" % "+i+" == "+n%i+" || "+n+" % ("+i+" + 2) == "+n%(i+2)+ "\n"); if ((n % i == 0) || (n % (i + 2) == 0)) return false; } System.out.print("that prime shit do be "); return true; } public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(isPrime(73813)); } }(i think i stole this from
int nLength = (((int)Math.log10(n)) + 1);