Heyo there! o/
Thank you for visiting my page, to be fairly honest I have little idea what you're supposed to write here, so I'll just briefly go over who I am. My online tag is Haikuna, and I've played casual osu! since 2013, where I found the game through boxbox streaming back in the day. Ever since then I have played the game casually on and off for the last 10! years, while mostly playing other games, such as CS:GO, which I tried to go pro in. As of 2024, I am currently studying in University and not taking any games too seriously. If you have anything you'd like to ask me, then hit me up in game! I'll be sure to write back to you. Have a great day!
Danish Players:
teamplayer51 - The reason I play HDHR today.
Yuuna-hime / Tichus - My rival when I first started playing HDHR.
DuckWingFACE - One of my all time GOATS of danish osu!
Spork Lover - Pioneered some of the most unique scores Denmark has ever seen, still yet to be matched in the same fashion that he did in his era. Denmark has yet to see a player that both has as strong a leadership as Spork had, while being such an awesome tourney player!
Heibel - For paving the way for osu content creation wayback when.
Amanda / Tona - Kinda like the danish Lewa, funny as fuck and overall a nice dude to be around.
Mayoi Hachikuji - All time best DT player, peaked the highest of any Danish player.
Cerkie - Elsker dig Flemming <3
My Aim Zogs - Crazy HDHR gamer, was really good in his prime with HDHR acc that was hard to match.
International Players:
rustbell - Still one of my favorite players to this day, so sad he quit the game but whatever he is doing now I'm sure he's doing just fine at.
Azer - His streams from back then and the way his cursor movement was, combined with his (at the time) insane HDHR plays, made him so entertaining to watch.
HappyStick - Another one of my favorites, HappyStick truly pioneered osu! content.
Doomsday - Respect this man for everything he put into this game.
WubWoofWolf - This guy is on many lists of respect players, and for good reason. One of the reasons why osu! was fun in the early days with both his quirky personality and overall great videos.
Haikuna's Skin v1 - Made in 2015, don't expect too much from this one.
Haikuna's 2017 Skin - Not really much to say about this one, you might like it I guess.
Haikuna's Skin 2020 WIP - Just like my 2022 skin, just a bit more stale overall.
Haikuna's Skin 2022 Revamped - My old skin freshened up with new colors plus better contrast overall for that smooth gameplay.
Haikuna's Skin 2023 Brighter - The one that I'm using currently!
Low AR Skin - WWW 1.8 x Haikuna - Good for playing lower ar's, try it out!