ah yes that was my problem since I had changed up this https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1036269/discussion/2373192/timeline#/4615432 on my end, thus removing one object which is why the previous combo ended with a 4 instead of the 5
since I was also gonna point this out, while it is distinctly different enough to warrant mapping this somewhat different to 00:28:037 (4,5,6,7,1) these doubles make for quite the diff spike unfortunately. I guess doubles could be fine but I feel like in that case they should overlap a bit so it's easier to aim
it also contrasts a lot with the following section which should be equally as intense but currently it only has the offbeat rhythms going for it (which I actually like, it just currently feels whack in comparison since this part is so overdone)
honestly, I kind of have to disagree with this one https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2211199/discussion/4704945/general#/4495530/11998286. I feel like this would actually make it "being to complex for beginners" a problem.
And aside from that, making the rhythm different / simplified kind of just feels super weird to me, idk?
I did some simplification in parts like 00:38:907 (1,2,3,4) though, staying in line with things like 00:44:419 (1,2,3) where the chorus fades out. I'm not the biggest fan of this because it kind of makes it even more repetitive but I've been told more than once now that 2 meassures of 1/2 gameplay might be a little much, although not blatantly unrankable :P
Reopening because I still need to completely fix this and it's gonna take a little
I don't think this was adressed in the linked post actually so gladly take my kudosu LOL
And yea, not really sure why I made it different to 01:06:469 (1,2,3,1,2,3) in the first place
idk how this section looked previously but what exactly are these 1/2 following? The red tick beat, maybe. But the slider ends (02:20:037 - 02:21:815 - 02:23:593 - etc.) essentially fall on nothing impactful. The way you mapped this feels super forced, just to have some 1/2 for the sake of having 1/2. Consider removing / simplifying this.
sure, will take me a while to do though as many of my patterns won't work anymore.
Also increasing AR to 6 (top end for Normals) because otherwise the map feels way too cramped now)
Edit: Will resolve tomorrow because I have to do quite some remapping
not really true, pattern should be more similar to 00:05:832 (1,2,3) instead.
Simplifying by changing 00:08:071 (3,4) (removing circle on 3, moving slider 1/2 earlier)
00:05:832 & 00:51:310 yes, 01:31:276 no, keeping 1.1x here as it's noticably less intense as chorus.
Edit: Will resolve tomorrow because I have to do quite some remapping
Hi, thank you for the wall.
I do agree with you on some points! Let me answer your points here.
1. I definitely should've toned down density outside of the choruses / kiais. I personally even think that simplifying some things as 1/1 altogether would work even better than trying to make some active stuff more passive. Especially with the slider velocity changes mentioned in https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/2211199/discussion/4704945/general#/4495528 which I am also going to slightly adjust, 1/2 (reverse) sliders are going to look even more cramped and ugly than they are already currently that I want to avoid them as best as I can.
2. I represent the higher intensity in the chorus by using separated 1/2 circle patterns instead of stacks. While I do think that I should then also work with stacks on patterns like 00:22:369 (1,2,3,4) I really don't think that density is *the* big issue here. Maybe some active stuff being changed to passive outside of the kiai but that's about it.
3. In your last point it feels like you're contradicting with your previous points, no? The choruses really are not overly more dense rhythmically as you previously said yourself. The timestamps given consist of largely passive mapping, I never use more than 3 actives in a row and when I do use triplets they are surounded either by 1/1 breaks or passive mapping.
The longest chains (again, a lot of passive mapping there) are justifieable with being mapped on peak intensity of the song. No change here.
Going to fix/change things about this after resolving most/all other mods since I needed to collect my thoughts first, you're asking a lot after all.
something like this might work: