Since January 2016, I realized my finger started to move awkward while playing osu. I just ignored it, playing game as I used to do. I thought it will get better soon. (while playing 300+bpm things everyday. → fucking idiot) Of course as time goes by, my finger become worse and worse, tapping become so hard. I was missing circles everywhere even when I play easy beatmaps just because I couldn't tap properly because of my left hand (finger). and finally since May, I started to feel pain while playing osu!.. so I decided to quit this game. but I couldn't. I'm too addicted to this game.
I'm now just playing casually, I can't play with my middle finger anymore so I'm playing with my ring finger instead. I can't play 270+bpm things anymore, can't even stream 250bpm 16circles.. I lost most of my speed and I'm still playing osu
edit 2017.01.10 holy shit.. i'm still playing this game