17 year old gamer and artist who loves USAO and Laur Birthday is September 17
My osu!mania advice
Don't be afraid to try something harder. Just go harder little by little. I started on 1 star and then used no fail on 2 star, and then once I got good at 2 star, I used no fail on 3 star. I can play 3 star now, and I play some harder 4 stars with no fail. Basically, don't be scared of harder things, just do what you're comfortable with, and work your way up to harder maps. Set goals for yourself. For example, I wanted to be able to be top 100k in the world. I finally did it, but that is a bigger goal. Set a smaller goal, like being able to play 1 star maps in a set amount of time. Also, take breaks from playing. I learned that playing every day can hurt your fingers (Learned the hard way). Don't injure your hands (I sprained my finger when I first started playing). Have a schedule for your playtime, so play some days, but not other days. Farm maps are good for a leaderboard boost, but only playing those won't make you better at the game in terms of skill, stamina, and speed. If you're hands hurt, take a few days break at least. Also, it's not really competitive (Unless you are a top player). Have fun and enjoy the game and play for fun, and have fun playing it. If you need any more advice, I'll link my discord.