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I talked with you in dms and asked if i could do a personal check in addition to helping story get his point across.
You said yes.
This is that part of the mod.
I'm writing this into a single post instead of posting as separate points (as per usual for these types of mods, so i apologize for the wall), since some of these points can also be applied for other parts of the map as well.
The map is fun to play (even though I'm skill issued)
And from what i have heard from others that can play, it is a good map (classic Rocma, making good map)
I am generally not a massive fan of using massive spacing to emphasize everything in the map (which you have done)
BUT, i can see the appeal from a player perspective, so i wont touch on that for the most part.
Instead, i will point out some patterns, transitions and a few spacings i personally think should be adjusted.
00:41:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -
This water drop have been previously mentioned by GiGas at 2145887#4246972
And while i understand your reasoning for keeping this hyperchained, i personally find it to be unjustified.
While the sounds are unique to this part of the map, the pitch aren't nearly high enough to justify every single one of them being hyperchained.
Take 00:42:244 (4,5,6,7) - is what gigas had an issue with, and i agree, it is too much.
At most, i would only have hyper between 00:42:282 (5,6) - since these two notes got the high pitch transition between them. While the first and last note of this chain is relatively un-noticeable.
You also have 00:42:590 (9,10,11) - hyperchained, despite it being much lower pitch than the other water sounds here.
I would highly suggest to not have these hyperchained at least, so the higher pitched ones can at least stand out.
If you really want a hyper here, have it between 00:42:609 (10,11) - these notes. That's where the sound transitions to higher pitch.
02:44:017 (5) -
I would consider changing this repeat slider slightly.
It lands on the peak of the pitch here, as well as a major downbeat.
Having wiggle movement is nice, but i still feel its a bit too weak. Try this:
02:44:017 - Note on x410
02:44:081 - 1/6 slider (going left to right) on x293
It keeps the same movement, but adds emphasis by having the first note of the wiggle be a hyper into the wiggle.
Fits really well.
02:45:952 (1,2,3) - 02:52:146 (1,2,3) -
These are examples of spacings i don't agree with, and fail to see the reason behind.
These are cross-screen 1/4 jumps that don't land on any noise change, pitch change or melody change that reflects it.
And it seems to me its added in just for difficulty (even though these are very easy to hit).
I would suggest to nerf the cross-screens that don't land on anything impactful.
Representing the music is important (both in patterning and spacing). And adding in cross screens just to do it is generally something i personally frown upon.
If this was a very intense part of the song, it would be fine. But since this is relatively calm, i would advice against doing it.
03:04:533 (1) - until 03:09:130 (4) -
More specifically 03:06:082 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
The pitch of the melody here is decreasing in intensity, so you should do this pattern in reverse to reflect that properly.
Going from low to high spacing while the song is going lower and lower is off-putting, and doesn't reflect the melody too well.
Seeing as this whole section acts as a "downtempo" (or whatever its called), i would love to see you reflect that better in the patterning.
03:18:594 (1) - (i love the long combo here. nice effect) (while clearly over spaced, this is a nice, easy, calm section. overemphasis done right)
03:53:955 (4,5,6,7) -
I don't know if keeping these antiflow 1/6 hyper snaps is a good idea.
This is between the buildup and the kiai, and also relatively calm (outside of the drums)
While i think having them emphasized as hypers is fine, i would recommend keeping them flow, to reflect the calmer state of the music.
Would also give the player a little longer grace period before the climax of the song hits.
Another thing i want to mention is that i am noticing you are mixing what you are following in this small timeframe.
03:53:317 (1,2) - lands on the piano.
03:53:913 (4) - lands on the drum (you are skipping a piano sound on 03:53:913 - )
03:54:147 - and then you are missing a drum sound here.
03:54:253 - and skipping a piano sound here.
Ideally, you would focus on one of the instruments (to stay consistent for this part), but i think changing the antiflows i mentioned to flow would be fine.
03:55:104 (5,6,7,8) -
due to how this 03:55:040 (4,5) - transition is spaced, the entry to this pattern becomes extremely snappy.
In turn, that makes this very easy to mess up during play for no reason.
I would at least suggest that you stack 03:55:168 (6) - on top of 03:55:104 (5) - so the initial start is a full standstill.
Having movement going between 03:55:168 (6,7,8) - is fine since the "whoosh" wub sound starts on (6) and follows the whole pattern till the end after that.
If you agree with me on this, i would move 03:55:232 (7,8) - so (7) is on x58 (where 6 originally was).
04:07:359 (5,6,1,2) -
Nice way of keeping the 1/16 emphasis while maintaining pattern structure. love it
04:25:104 (1,2,3,4) -
I think you should keep spacing here similar to what you did at the start of the map (00:24:590 (1) - this part)
I personally don't find this to be that much more intense (outside of higher bpm)
And i find the higher bpm to be enough to make this stand out from the beginning, if similar spacing to the beginning of the map is used.
In any case, i don't find cross-screen jumps to fit that well.
04:25:104 (1) - If you can space this part smaller, then space 04:27:147 (1) - this part slightly higher that would be great (there is a buildup going on to warrant higher spacing on the second part)
04:41:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
I know its the end, and the climax of the intensity. But i would really like if you tone down the spacing here.
Especially 04:42:083 (5,6,7,8) - these cross-screen 1/4 wiggles with 1/8 snapping.
It isn't hard to hit (yay, i can hit them consistently), but it is way over spaced.
One thing you could do actually, since there is a increasing "woosh" sound on these:
You can decrease the overall spacing of the whole pattern, but have the wiggles increase in spacing to compliment the "woosh" in the background!
04:49:998 (1) - this ending is so satisfying
Overall, map is fun. I like to see limits being pushed in different skillsets.
I love the fact that you have used inspiration from a lot of different mappers (me included)
This is like a mashup of mapping styles.
And while i don't personally agree with extreme spacings, you have achieved what you set out to do pretty well.
As talked about on this post 2145887#4259459 (and in dms)
Middle-man razor at your service.
I am here to clarify what issues story have with the map.
This will be written in a single post, just to keep everything collected.
As well as for future discussion purposes.
Everything written in this post is feedback from story, just formulated in a neutral tone.
00:33:205 (1,2,3,4,5) -
Distance here is too big. There music doesn't change enough to warrant it.
00:42:244 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -
The movement you have to do for this pattern is very uncomfortable.
Would love if you could adjust the distances a bit so its more comfortable
00:45:975 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
Why is this represented with extreme distances?
Same goes for the other similar parts.
00:55:359 (1,2,3,4) -
Could add a reverse after (2,3)
00:56:590 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
Again with the distance usage. This is way too high distance. Please lower it.
00:57:359 (1,1) -
Cross screen doesn't fit here. The sound it lands on isn't strong enough to warrant this high distance.
01:01:705 (4,5,6) -
Could add a hyperdash here to reflect the high pitch here.
01:02:436 (7,8,9,10) -
Way too high spacing here as well. Would suggest reduction.
01:02:436 (7,8,9) -
Would make this a triplet without a dash.
01:02:744 (1,2,3) -
The first hyperdash should be removed, and just stick to a wiggle without hyperdash.
01:04:590 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
The music is calming down, but you are making distances higher and higher. Distance should be lower to reflect the music
01:07:128 (2,3,4,5,6,1) -
I would suggest to change the pattern here to something like: https://imgur.com/ft14s5K
Currently there is a rhythm issue with this pattern.
01:07:667 (1,2,3) -
The first hyperdash should be removed, and just stick to a wiggle without hyperdash.
01:16:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
I don't understand what you are going for here.
First, this sounds like 1/8 and not 1/4.
And i also don't notice any change in the entries between 1,2,3,4 and 5,6,7,8
01:19:975 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
This whole part should be 1/4, without any breaks.
01:33:667 (2,3,4,5) -
Overdone hyperchains on slow parts, and unnecessary screen jumps around this timestamp.
01:42:128 to 01:51:821 is quite good quality though!
01:51:975 (1,2,3) -
I'm not sure this is snapped correctly
02:01:050 (1,2,3,4) -
I don't personally like the screen jumps here. But i guess it is fine. I would suggest to try something else tho.
02:05:307 (3,4,5,6,7,8) -
Distance is way too high, please reduce.
02:40:920 (3,4,5,6) -
Distance problems on these parts as well.
02:42:081 (1,2,3,4) -
02:57:178 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) -
I don't think 3,4,5,6 sounds similar enough to 1,2,3,4 to keep the distances and pattern the same.
03:43:104 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) -
This part needs more consistency on the jumps. Same goes for 03:47:189 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - and you should be consistent with the pattern usage here.
For the kiai, there are way to many over spaced parts, so i cant timestamp all of them. for example 03:56:891 (1,2,3,4) -
But ill point out the worst ones, like:
03:58:934 (1,2,3,4) -
This part has 1/2 gap between the notes, when there clearly is supposed to be 1/4.
Same goes for 04:07:104 (1,2,3,4) - and other parts that follow the same rhythm.
04:02:891 (3,1) -
Please reduce this distance, its too big
04:03:402 (4,5,6) -
this should be a hyperchain with 1/8 because the first two triplets have a different sound. And a more difficult entry would fit.
04:11:189 (1,2,3,4) -
I feel 4 should be different. I'm pretty sure the sound is different. Try to add some variation.
04:25:232 (2,3,4,5) -
Isn't this supposed to be 1/4? same for 04:25:998 (1,1) -
04:29:317 (3) -
this should also be 1/4 until 04:29:445 (4) -
And 04:29:445 (4,5,6) - should be 1/2
04:51:354 (3) -
This note should be removed
And that's the end of story's mod
If story makes any more comments (on this thread), and things needs to be clarified further. Message me on discord (axurliz)
If i don't reply im sleeping.
good night
Currently, due to the drain time of the map this at the highest counts as a salad:
If the drain time of each difficulty is...
...lower than 2:30, the lowest difficulty cannot be harder than a Salad.
And because of that, almost every single gap between spinners and notes are currently unrankable. The ranking criteria for salad states:
At least 250 ms must be left between circles/sliders and the start and end of spinners. This is to ensure readability.
Please ensure there is at least 250ms between a note and a spinner start/end. You can achieve this by having spinners start/end on the first blue tick after/before each note (assuming they are on white ticks). Or, having a 1/4 gap between them.
Here are all the spinners its concerning (i might have missed a few):
00:00:097 (1,1) - 00:10:504 (1,1) - 00:10:425 (1,1) - 00:16:714 (1,1) - 00:16:608 (1,1) - 00:17:781 (1,1) - 00:20:659 (1,1) - 00:31:569 (1,1) - 00:31:469 (1,1) - 00:32:869 (1,1) - 00:32:769 (1,1) - 00:33:769 (1,1) - 00:33:669 (1,1) - 00:34:719 (1,1) - 00:34:619 (2,1) - 00:35:769 (1,1) - 00:35:669 (3,1) - 00:40:002 (1,1) - 00:44:380 (1,1) - 00:44:269 (1,1) - 00:53:727 (1,1) - 00:53:616 (1,1) - 00:54:654 (1,1) - 00:58:512 (1,1) - 01:10:833 (1,1) - 01:10:680 (1,1) - 01:12:057 (1,1) - 01:21:277 (1,1) - 01:22:754 (1,1) - 01:28:208 (1,1) -
not the biggest fan of it, but sure. moved things around a little and made the 1/8 chain not be hypered.
sounds good. moved 04:14:700 (4) - more to the left, converted to 1/8 and added a note at 04:14:796 - that hypers between
rearanged the timeline a little. and moved 02:48:161 (5) - a tad bit more to the right to make the hdash a little stronger for the next section