Hey there. My name's Intergalaxity, or just Inter. I have been playing osu!Lazer since I first started, and just recently got Stable on MacOS (even though it's shit I would rather die than play it) Scroll down for more shit I guess.
The livestream that started it all. (me and koia friendship ofcourse)
Join date: 11/July/2023 (17:35:03 UTC-7) This means I joined when I was 11. Wow. Shocker. Lock me up. (actually don't please I am now 13 I swear)
Players that got me into the game: BTMC, KoiFishu and MY BEST FRIENDkoiasana (I love him + Page 1 Slovakia gaming in CTB, even though he is a std main btw hehe)
Peak rank in osu!std: 707,512. the number might go up and im lazy asf to change it but as of the time of writing this, its that. mostly because of the rework.
yes I know we haven't changed the pfps yet and yes I know this is one of the bg's from THIS MAP, AND THIS EXACT DIFFICULTY. -> https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/685822#osu/2200803 UPDATED: OFFLINE. koiasana is currently in a different collab with his friends. Next time boys. Next time. I promise. UPDATED 2: So he just asked me to join his collab sooo I mean when it ends we can go onto this one
Best DT Player Utahi(we're chill like that now) (ultimate windows xp lover, i respect it) (mega cirno fan too) ap[sldaposjdf (your my fren now) + (peak ahh username someone gift this man supporter NOW PLEASE) cant trn off DT (I think bro can't turn off DT) + (Yuki bear? Nah this mans my pookie bear- I will see myself out of the door thanks) yodeston (IM FRIENDS WITH A TOP PLAYER) WhatSkill (AND ANOTHER ONE) Gib_Latte (I would slurp him ngl WOAH I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT I SWEAR-) Alexc1022 (og fren) ohioman_9 (MY OWN BROTHER yes I know) + (REDEMPTION ARC?) Mostly it - might update this later hahahaha
1. Become somewhat known in the osu! community 2. Either becoming 5, 4, 3, 2, or even 1 digit in osu!std 3. I know life is complete when n3rdiness makes a documentary on me (never fucking happening) 4. Become top player 5. Set a pp record (never fucking happening) 6. Become a famous mapper (I like to place the circle) 7. Set a top play over 400pp 8. Become #1 California/U.S.A. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸 9. Snipe koiasana on at least one of his scores (WHY CANT I DO IT PLEASE JUST ONE SCORE) (I will SS snow goose sytho diff YOU ARE NOT SAFE I WILL DO IT MARK MY WORDS) 10. Unlock a lotta medals 11. Become a stable full time osu! Twitch streamer/Content creator 12. Have at least one of my maps become either Ranked status or Loved status
12. map a lot of songs and diffs enough to the point where a special someone can say that "hey, this map is great, good job." and to keep going from there so that my maps are always good. that's all I want when I map.
lil bro is NOT gonna become a top ctb player bro, dm my friend Best DT Player (637Keiji) for more details PLEASE
The image above is satire and has been digitally edited for humorous viewing and should not be taken as real or fact. In a nutshell, PEPPY DID NOT POST THIS.
HAZELSTAR, hzlstr, InfamousDashie, InfamousDashii, Dashie, Dashii, scum fuck flower boy, WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER, tyler the creator (real), My Angel Hu Tao, AlcoholPoison, man those are a bunch of names lmao (this was not one)