Malice Mizer . . . my love. I wait for you everyday, I look out my pearly window 24/7 awaiting for your appearance. Why wont you come back darling? why can't we blossom like flowers once more . . . please come back to me, I am so desperate for your voice and touch that i sleep with a body pillow thinking of you. I constantly dream of you creating a concert reserved only for my eyes, reserved only for my ATTENTION.
I am 100% and one cent sure (bars) that this is extremely unhealthy for me .. I get it, but you must understand that this is my true love . . . MY TRUE DESIRE. If only I could hear your angelic choir sing behind you while your voice transcends me inside of a trance. I always think about how much sentiment I have felt with Malice Mizer, their power to control my emotions amazes me. You amaze me so much my love.
You are so interesting and mysterious, I just want you to pick me up onto your magical horse and ride away into the sunset . . . my knight in shining armour, when will you finally save me from this god-awful nightmare I live in. When will my happiness finally come back to me. My life goal . . my life's PURPOSE is to meet with you once more. For example, after Merveilles, do you remember the time when you came into my room and I spooned you for reassurance? do you remember that my love? do you remember how I comforted you after how much your feet hurt from standing on the stage all day? I hope so. That is a core moment inside of my brain.
I hope you remember . . . I shall wait here until the very end . . . until you come back to hold me in your embrace. I love you so much Malice Mizer, my dearest darling .
listen to visual kei now ............ or don't its oki :3
PM me if you wanna mutual, I love making friends whenever I have the chance !!
I'll try to play more consistently zach, god .............
PM me if you wanna mutual on LoL as well . . >_<
Welcome to my profile! I hope you enjoy yourself. ♥︎
Thank you Annie for helping me discover that I'm an actual good writer. Thank you to everyone that is in my life, you are the ones that have kept me going. Thank you Hubbard for being someone that I could be myself around without feeling judged, and thank you for always listening to what I have to say. Thank you Aza even though you're sometimes a bot, I'm glad that you are my friend, and even though its sometimes annoying, I enjoy your schizo posts . . . for the most part. much love to you all ♡ Mappers that have interesting style/inspire me, Petal, antonyw, bob, Halgoh, HinaMommy, Matrix, milr_, tatemae, Elinor, aishiteiru-, ktgster, EvilElvis, happy30, kuyusu, fanzhen0019. the list goes on ;3
Drawing Status: Semi-Active Painting Status: Semi-Active Writing Status: Semi-Active Mapping Status: Semi-Active Playing Status: Semi-Active IM TRYING ZACH GOD
i promised myself that I would stop changing my pfp everyday or every other day, this is especially to you zach, sorry i got bored after not even a day of having our collab sprout . . . :p