I am a hd one trick, specializing in streams and tech for the most part. I play a bit of low ar but not super often. Please do not use this information against me in tournaments
Placed 4th in Happystick's 2017 summer tour (20k bracket) Made it to top 4 in OTT2 (10k-25k) with Skorpiik Made it to top 12 in Project Rekindling 2018 (7-18k) Made it to top 6 in OMW 2019 (5k-15k) Made it to top 12 in OGT#5 with the Washingamers
Ayanaru Skorpiik Rekoh Morte Stretta <3 If you think you are missing from this list hmu!!! I forget people easily when they don't constantly message me >.<