(😍 beatmapsets/1173557#taiko/2448587 😍) Odoru Mizushibuki HR 1miss(Taiko) This is the most impressive record of my osu! life. The BIG NOTE comes at you super fast. I did my best not to ignore the BIG NOTE, so please watch the replay!!! ( scores/taiko/181978930 ) G913 is very chattering and the high density zone in the first half is pushed good use of chattering. This record was helped a lot by that, but it betrayed at the very end lol Also, G913 is unique in that it does not "geki" even if press a BIG NOTE. With my previous BFKB113PBK, I could input almost any geki.
KIMONO <3 PRINCESS HDHR FC 259pp!!!(STD) I overcame my nerves. I don't usually go for full combos on fairly difficult difficulty HR. This time it was right after the map was Ranked and I thought I would just keep track as usual. I played in order from the lowest difficulty (I retried many spins on the easiest difficulty and was able to get SS on Insane 445 in 2 attempts). I thought I might be able to get a full combo because I was doing well, but I didn't think I could really get a full combo, so I'm very happy to get a BP on my favorite song!!! ( beatmapsets/2086459#osu/4378367 )
Sanae-san FC(Taiko) The speed of the second half of the map is frightening! I cut out the difficult parts of the map and practiced many times to finally connect them. ( beatmapsets/492407#taiko/1049018 ) (acc is dead...)
Strange Program 2miss(Taiko) acc93.33% 468pp my Taiko BP😭 Miraculously, the TL tapping went well. This is the same method used in the mania 4k described below. ( beatmapsets/5774#taiko/28065 )
agony HDHR FC(STD) cs 6.5 length 4:12 BoshyMan741 is god. Different map, but I've seen his SOHRFL many times and I've grown to love this song. ( scores/osu/4564246510 )
・I've been playing osu! for 10 years now. (Total number of times played 142744),Thank you for your continued support! ・osu!mania score farming start! ・I have found a way to hold the pen that works for me.Only if the spinner is somewhat long, I switch to holding the pen in a rotation-specific manner. Although it does not reach the theoretical value, it stabilizes at about 450 rpm. (normal holding is about 300 rpm~.) I retry many times because I am not good at poses. I love the map where there is only one spin and it is placed only at the beginning of the map.
I have about 240 people who not mutual friends... are you mutual? if not, feel free to let me know in the in-game chat. still good to the registration limit.
Because I love BMS map like these. (beatmapsets/207075) (beatmapsets/463890) Elegante has a pleasant hit sound and is my favorite song in the music game. Distance has a really great placement and represents the 7 keys + plate well. Both maps are worthy of being called god maps, so please play them! MR=scratch practice My left pinky finger doesn't work dexterously, so I'm forced to practice with MR. Normally, it is *7k + plate* and the notes do not fall on the pinky position, so I put MR. For not convert map, it is not necessary to use MR. The use of MR at 4k is not particularly significant. It's just a pain to remove. I use it because I want to get better at it, even though it reduces the score I can get by using it.
convert map & ranked score I'm working hard to get into the #50. I play different modes depending on my mood of the day, but basically I play Taiko and Mania "every day!!" If you are not mutual with me, please send me a message in the in-game chat.