+ If you follow me and I don't mutual back just dm me while I'm online or through one of my socials, I'm pretty active on twitter and discord so follow/add me if you want
+ I'm always up for playing multi's for fun so feel free to inv me if you're running a lobby ^_^
+ I play a lot with flashlight on and just try to have fun with the game, not really worried about grinding for pp right now. Mostly just trying to get better at playing higher diffs, and hitting streams, and aiming, and holding combo, and AR7/8/9/10/11, and spinning, and sliders, and hidden+flashlight, and 4 modding.
+ I'm also a huge fan of playing/looking for unique graveyard maps, good or bad, feel free to link me any you think are worth showing off.
+ Only other goal right now is to get good at reading/playing gimmick.