03:34:934 - the vocal still here , too much blanks. And what is 03:35:148 (215148|0,215363|0) for? I understand that the first note is for the drum but the 2nd has nothing
03:26:148 (206148|1,209577|2) - where is the triple like those parts before?
01:48:195 (108195|1,108311|2,108426|0,108542|1) - Just like what I said before, After shorten the LN you can have more space to emphasize the drums and snares here (I think a jumptrill here is good)
01:44:965 (104965|3) - This LN should only stop at 01:47:734 if it was represents for the vocal
01:41:272 (101272|0) - Stretch the end of this LN to 01:44:272 would be better since the vocal was humming