01:47:100 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is not a problem to read for expert players, and the reason there is nothing else in the map like this is because this particular section only happens twice in the song
On the 1/3 section, certainly could be changed, I remember thinking the earlier notes don't feel quite as connected and the higher notes sound more connected to eachother. I made it flow differently for now. Some circles should probably just be sliders
The beginning is blue tick focus and I don't religiously map every sound which a song like this gives you crazy opportunity to come up with every kind of rhythm (irregular)
I know the spacing is low but I just want a rhythm stop before the last killer pattern. On this difficulty no player will misread I think it's not an issue.
It is just more aim control, spacing inflates and deflates real fast. For the last 4 it sounds different to the rest also because of sounds like 01:56:372 - I decided this angular stuff would fit the music change
Listening to the whole song +10 for me. That seems to be the offset range where the least is off. The outro still seemed oddly off to me on listening with +10
Yea this stuff is a headache, I could only think of doing stuff like not stacking 1/4 or something but having them low spacing. Though it sounds so weird not really clicking on all those instruments when they are so prominent
Honestly there is already issues with reading as a lot of it is not expected and player gets kinda wrecked by the songs whims. There are a few parts where the snapping changes in the middle of a vocal section
Just more of the making sure to follow the rest of the music too while focusing on vocals.
Like I'm sure there is a good solution to map the drums even 01:22:686 (1,2,3) - while focusing on vocals
04:53:848 (5,6) - Listen to this closely, I think this one is a good example of my issue. There is under and overmapping all at once. Sounds like 1/6 first too and then 1/8 04:53:848 (5,6) - but there is no circle here instead you have it on 04:54:252 (8) - where there is nothing
The things I pointed out are fine just some stuff I noticed felt kinda off like 04:38:963 (2,1,2,3) - I think it sounds more like 1/6 stream. In this instance you have circles where there are no sounds and miss on other sounds
Or did i paste the wrong timestamp. You can map all the drum hits when they are in focus like 01:14:263 - or even have some kind of 1/6 stream when the instruments speed up. That would be maximal rhythm coverage.
00:53:724 - I think here should keep the 1/3 or just map all the 1/4. I would just have the 1/4 as the music indicates a speedup
00:57:532 - If this starts following vocal but then ends on instruments, seems confusing to me. This is more of the thing I already pointed out. Just following the vocals better when they are the focus