4th year CS major studying at UCI but probably graduated at this point. I've been in Plz Enjoy Game mode for the past few years and been on the slow decay since peaking ~3050 in summer of 2018.
I play tournaments and (probably) won't sightread in a team tourney so @ me if you need a DT/HR slave.
Need to play 2 hrs of Anime Music Quiz every time I decay 1k ranks oooooooooooooooh: NOOOOOOOOOOOO
FAQ: 1. Are you Gay? No 2. Are you Homo? No 3. Do you like OSU? No 4. Do you like Astolfo? Yes 5. Doesn't that make you Gay? No
11/3/2017 I got osu! supporter for the first time since I joined in 2013 :d
Buy osu! supporter [x] Get past the first round of a tournament [x] (got to round 3 in SWOL and died to death grips) Have more HR plays than DT plays in my top 100 [x] 5/5/18 (Undone but no longer a goal) Pass Uta +HR [x] 5/10/21 1:30AM LETS GOOO Pass Senketsu no Chikai +DT [] (inhumane) Pass Atomosphere +HR [] (impossible) Pass Magnolia +DT [] Reach rank 5k [x] 7/14/18 Get 6k PP [x] 7/14/18 (6am) Get rank 3k [x] 7/19/18 (5am) 1k hours in osu![x] 3/8/19 (3pm) Get 7k PP [x] 2/?/19 (pp update, forgot date and too lazy to check) First 400PP [x] 3/14/2020 (Hard Cock) First 500PP [] Win #1 place in tournament (OCC does NOT count) [] Get first badge [] Reach 5 digit [x] 11:19AM 7/31/21 LFGGG. First time out of 4 digit since 8/26/2015 12:38AM: https://i.imgur.com/IXICtK2.jpg 10/30/21 I am now Actually 5 digit LETS GOOOO note to self: put date when goal is achieved
- Generic tablet keyboard player - Singletap main but will pull out the Full Alt for techy/speedy maps. - Used to do the Cookiezi thing where he locked his thumb behind his index finger but pulled a tendon farming DT and it hurt for half a year, so I became an ALT abuser.
Below is DEPRECATED and is no longer being UPDATED!
1. 2017 SMT Winter - team versatility, lost pretty quick VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/108205092 2. Homocon - died to tiuq round 1 3. osu! paradigm mini tournament 2 - died to lahwran, olzi, etc (lost a lot) round 1 4. Arcanus New Year Blast - team my stream trash, won first few matches. Lost to Trigo's team & Koishi Friends in Quarterfinals. It was a fun ride. 5. osu! UCI LAN (SWOL) - beat akiva, lost to 13th seed and dropped to losers bracket. beat nathan r1, pishifat r2, died to death grips r3 6. Through the Ranks osu! Tournament - team osu! UCISDR, placed mid seed quals, 1-1 in groups then had to ff 7. Euphonium Spring Tournament - team Poppin' Gamers, didn't get past qualifications lo 8. NUGGIES (Geekon 2018) - beat [kaori], lost to clayton and dropped to losers bracket. died to 13th seed in losers bracket 9. osu! UCSD LAN (TGEX) - beat NeonTetra, lost to Clarity -> losers bracket. Won against Epixyl, died to jms8719 in losers bracket 10. osu! UCSD Battle Royale (10/27/18) - 2nd place lost to Clarity (lol) 11. MALE - beat Ikeda Chizuru (almost lost here big lul), lost to [Darin] -> losers bracket, beat Andrew22r, died to R Y A N (hr gaming) 12. Winter WonderLAN (UCSD) - lost to Jarek on osu, beat Curry chan, beat Jms8719, died to Kenny ( u got lucky . . . ), Blessed by the light of Aleytia 13. Osu! Collegiate Cup (Me, Kenny, skinnyboy3) - accidentally laptop int to lower division omega lol, win against MSU, MIT, and MIT 7-4 for Grand Finals. OSUUUUUUUUUUU 14. NAT 2019 - 0-5 Will Stetson, 1-5 BeastTrollMC (taking a HR pickoff btmc: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/449083683?t=05h03m46s :weary:), 4-5 Vain (epicmodeman) other VODs are on my Twitch (oops their gone lol) 15. SWEAT - j_8579 > Kenny (Why) > ouchiee > pishifat > Darin on osu (Ended) 16. O!CL Winter Split (Me, 620, Sukida, Ruruchewy) - 5 - 1 UV, 3 - 5 Binus, 6 - 1 RIT, 2 - 6 UWM. Epic gaming. 17. o!CLWS大学赛冬季2020 - o!CLWS大学赛冬季2020 (o!CLWS大学赛冬季2020) 18. RICMA balls - Glockuで歯磨き 19. QuarLANtine - 3rd place DIED to Kahli 20. UCSBxUCLA Summer Splash - Died to Skydiver 21. O!CL Fall Split - the Dream Team. stacked A team and B team.. only taken out by deranquers ... 22. osu!UCSD WinterGamefest 2021 - https://challonge.com/h5eu4wlq The clarity method. Did better than I thought I would Lol. 23. O!CL Winter Split - https://challonge.com/OCLW2021 Top 12 this time ! Epicgaming. Time to retire from OCL : ' ) 24. One Miss Cup Winter - Most euphoric osu! match I have ever Played. https://i.imgur.com/rZbJDsn.jpg. MP: https://i.imgur.com/x3421u2.png. The ref&host were ok with it in the end I think ? ? :joy: https://i.imgur.com/laGMQa8.jpg 25. I forgot to put in hardrock cup WIP 26. WIP fht3
TL;DR: Cookiezi's divine light reached me in the summer of 2013. I was mesmerized by his angelic Freedom Dive 99.97% play and was trapped in the endless pit of despair called OSU!. I can never escape. Ever since God's departure in February of 2020, osu! has never been the same.
Below is DEPRECATED and is no longer being UPDATED!
I don't remember the exact details of how I got into osu!, but what I do remember is that sometime during the summer of 2013 I watched a few Cookiezi plays like his Scarlet Rose FC, Kokou no Sousei FC, Big Black FC, and of course his FDFD 1x100 FC. All these plays got me hooked to a (shitty) game called osu! and made me the biggest Cookiezi fanboy for years onward. Was it all a mistake? I'll never be entirely sure. But I'll explain more about how I exactly started playing the game, peripherals-wise. Back in 2013 I used a greasy (yeah i didn't really take care of my mouse back then) 10$ wireless Microsoft mouse + a shitty $200 azer laptop, until I eventually tossed my garbage mouse and upgraded to a Razer Deathadder. My laptop might've still been a sack of junk that ran Dragon Nest at 5fps on the lowest settings, but my mouse switch was when I started getting more serious about playing the game. I even started off with mouse accel until I realized how horrible it was a few months in and turned it off. And even sadder, the keycaps on my laptop keyboard started falling out from my intense osu! gameplay, so I bought a keyboard that could handle my brainless tapping, the Razer Blackwidow. (Yes I still had my azer craptop.) And more onto the gameplay side of osu!, I never really was a conventional player who went for high acc FC's (completely different today. i only get top plays from high acc) . I went for high star mash passes, which something I still do to this day (as of 8/7/18 not anymore). I remember that I'd be the one guy in multi lobbies who somehow held a high combo but shit acced everything. Why though? Probably because I had no concept of rhythm back then. When the song got more intense my singletaps sped up which makes no sense rhythmically. Clearly, I knew nothing about osu! aside from the fact that it was a circle clicking game. I slightly blame my lack of game knowledge on PPV1 since the ranking system wasn't that clear as to how you actually rank up. I'd type in something stupid like "star>5", scroll through osu! until I found some famous hard map, and keep smashing the map until I managed to get a lucky pass (I still do the "star>5" thing today but with good acc lul). I also never really had a coherent way to tap my keys, I'd go with whatever finger was available and slam my fingers on my keyboard in any way to keep my combo up. It turns out I was tapping 4 times for every triple xD. I really was the worst example of a 6 digit that /r/osugame makes fun of. Literally any map I played, SUPER MEGA MASH. If you want any examples of my mashing, just take a look at my old youtube videos. Off the top of my head, the kneesocks map that I played was mashed pretty badly. I used to overstream spaced streams and slightly lag my cursor behind to combo them. This mashing habit of mine continued on until PPv2 was released. When it was released, I started farming juicy DT PP with the help of my best friend, a stupid cat with a banjo Tillerino ^^. I played the farmiest maps possible like Mezameta, Koigokoro, Daidai, Golden Sky, etc. My osu! activity was at an all time high; I frequented ask.fm and /r/osugame to search for memes for hours on end, and unfortunately, I probably won't remember most of the great memes that I found. I fucking loved Kynan's 300bpm man and Gamma lab memes, Azer's ego memes, and everything else that I probably forgot. Many great memes came from those days. On another note, I finally developed an organized way to tap my keys by copying how Cookiezi singletapped with his index finger while it was locked by his thumb. Before this, my tapping was a weird mix of singletapping, alternating, and mashing. Even though copying Cookiezi's tapping helped out a lot, it didn't solve the problem of how autistically hard I tapped. I mean, I did solve my mash/overtapping problem by grinding triple/double training maps like Egg Pain, but still, my keycaps were dented in because of how hard I tapped; I even injured a ligament in my index finger from locking my thumb behind my index finger and tapping like a barbarian. My index finger hurt for MONTHS (update(8/7/18): it still hurts) after that dumb injury. Just to satiate my craving for osu!, I'd play maps by both tapping and aiming with my tablet pen. I even learned how to tap my keyboard lightly because I figured that my slam tapping strained my ligament and stretched it to the point of ripping when my thumb forced my finger forward. But even while tapping like an animal, my global acc went up a solid 5% because DT farming actually required me to get acceptable acc. The days of having crappy B and C plays in my top ranks were gone. After that sudden burst of DT farming, my osu! activity started declining and I peaked at rank 6.4k while my top play was Daidai Genome + DT worth 297PP. Kms. Sadly enough, It wasn't even an FC, I missed right at the end with the triple + jump spam which I should've been able to consistenly FC. That embarrassing play would remain my top play for a little more than a year.
Summer of 2017
I'd still occasionally play with my mouse, and I'd still watch every single Shigetora stream, but I never really played seriously until summer of 2017. Whenever a sick HW/Rrtyui map came out or if I saw Shige play a cool tech map I'd give it a few runs with my mouse. Obviously ( because I suck) I couldn't do very well on the maps, but I would start off with a D and slowly work towards a C after twenty something plays. The inner masher inside of me still lived on even after acc farming. Moving onwards to the summer of 2017, I went to the osu! booth at Anime Expo and met the God DEAN PEPPY HERBERT + some cool people from osu! UCI. The booths were set up in a way where you'd line up to get a chance to play osu! on one of the (eight?) computers that they had set up. The time limit was about 5 minutes before you got kicked off and had to queue up in line again. I stayed in that same area for hours. Some top American osu! players went there so I got the chance to have them sign my tablet ^^. The osu! booth was also hosting a king of the hill tournament which I joined and got bagged in, I somehow managed to fail a 4 star 2 times in a row and get a shit ton of misses on my NF play. As a result of meeting these people and also my crappy performance in the tournament, I realized that I hadn't really been taking osu! as seriously as I should've. (I forgot to add this in but I also got inspired by the China YACA meeting. Literally the vacation of dreams for any osu! player. That whole thing made me realize that I really needed to get better if I wanted to get drunk with the GOD Cookiezi) To get in touch with my DT farming roots again, I started playing AR 10.3 DT maps several hours everyday until my hands hurt like shit. I never really farmed AR10.3 before, it was barely readable for me as I had only grinded AR8+DT exclusively in the past. As I was a huge Cookiezi fan, it's a given that I had played stuff like Remote Control DT, Monster DT, and shit like that, but I never seriously got down and grinded it. To help me out a bit, I'd get a bunch of DT recommendations from my DT idol Betarift. Betarift is someone who I met through my friend ShyHD in the past. Actually, let me talk a bit more about ShyHD. Sometime in 2016 when I was bored, I went around spectating random people in my nearby tab in osu!. So I started spectating ShyHD and saw him play some fast DT maps and thought it was pretty cool. We started talking and mutualed each other. Brian, if you're reading this, I'll be waiting for you at UCI ^^. So back to the topic of Betarift. Shit happened and we somehow played in the same team for SMT 2016. (ShyHD was on the team too) We had one good match where we got to tiebreakers, but for the rest of the tournament we were pitted against players much better than us and got wiped. Back then, I used to outrank Betarift by a fair amount. He was ranked ~20k while I was ~6-7k, but then a year passed by and he became a DT beast. He seriously is a crazy DT player, like what the fuck is that Tokyo Ghoul DT FC? I played that map over 30 times and the best play I got on it is 16 miss 82% with NF+DT. My hands and my whole left arm burned like hell after that play. So, I mashed DT for the remainder of my summer break and managed to climb from rank 9.5k back to my peak rank 6.4k. Once summer break ended, I moved into UCI. I immediately joined the osu! UCI club once club rush began. I've had an eye on it for a while ever since I saw posts about it on /r/osugame 2 years ago, the whole thing seemed pretty cool as it was attracting top American players like Happystick to the tournaments. I wasn't actively planning to join it the whole time as I didn't even know what college to apply to, so it stayed in the back of my mind for most of high school. But when college applications came by, I remembered that UCI had a nice osu! club, so it became my first choice. Osu! UCI influenced my college choice. xD. But unfortunately ( or not), partly because I didn't bring my main desktop setup and also partly because of cancer classes, my interest in osu! gradually declined after I moved into UCI.
Summer of 2017 - Today A few weeks after I moved into UCI the osu! UCR president Harrharrqi @'d me in discord to join an osu! tournament called Homocon, so I thought, "why not"? There was a slight problem with this though: I didn't have any way to get there as I left my car at home. I went on the osu! UCI discord and asked if anyone was willing to drive me to Homocon, and Giraffle agreed to let hitch a ride in his car with some other tourney participants, Kenny and Tiuq. I thought I could get by by just practicing the tourney map pool right before the day it was held. But I was wrong. I didn't do too bad during group stages as I had FC'd half of the maps and 1 missed the rest, but got 3-0'd in my first round stage by Tiuq so I realized I had some work to do ^^. And to my surprise, one of the guys who came with us in the same car, Kenny, managed to get rank 4 in the tourney and even got the first 2 points on Ritzeh. He completely dominated anyone who wasn't a top player which amazed me as he was (only?) a rank 1.6k. Kenny is a god. So after that, I got back into the crappy game called osu! again. Brought my desktop from home to UCI and started the grind again ye ye ye. Now I stream whenever I play. And the day I wrote this userpage I got a new top play with HR and bought myself 2 year osu! supporter :d. I've always wanted to get good at HR because I was a huge Cookiezi fanboy, so of course I needed to be good at HR in addition to DT. Defenders HR? Blue Zenith HR? Even FDFD HR? I've done them all. (With NF.) Goodbye days of DT farming, hello dirty HR acc farming. I hit a speed wall, so I'm switching over to HR boys. A few weeks from now, my top plays will be filled with HR plays rather than dirty DT. (if it isn't ill come back and edit this part out :d) ALSO, I will be participating in the osu! winter LAN at osu! uci!! This time I'm bringing desktop boys. I'm not clowning around anymore, you better be looking out for me, Vaxei. UPDATE: yeh i'm sandbagging my rank now lul. Gotta get good at scorev2 before i deserve to rank up any more. UPDATE: now I can't even play osu anymore because of school kms. UPDATE2 (1/28/18) instead of hr farming im become a hr one trick for tourneys UPDATE (2/17/18) YO What's poppin' gamers. I'm still hr scorev2 farming in the mountains. Trying to set a tower of heaven [heaven] +hr play as my new top play. UPDATE 3/3/18 lmao my hands shake like i have Parkinsons every tournament match. I suck big balls at tournies. Might go back to farming PP, idk. UPDATE (4/14/18) i didn't play for 2 weeks because of school and i dropped 200 ranks. I want to die. UPDATE(5/19/18) Just Got A 144HZ Monitor! Time To Rank Up! UPDATE(7/15/18) just went crayzee farm mode im 4.9k wtf UPDATE(7/19/2018) what the fuck is happening UPDATE(8/1/18) aite i reached 3.5k but i've hit a wall for now. i've mostly ran out of farm maps at my skill level so i need to train AR 10.3+ speed/aim to keep climbing. UPDATE(10/21/18) school got me fked up. time to decay boys UPDATE(12/1/18) aight, plannin on bringing my desktop to school winter quarter to gayme. thinkin about going back to my boy Hard Rock because DT is getting a little too speedy for me if you know what i mean UPDATE(2/13/19) pp update happened, been getting back into speed/DT but wtf my fingers feel so slow, I can't do the same shit I did over summer fuck me in the ass. gonna keep trying tho. UPDATE(5/8/2019) why do i play this game UPDATE(5/20/2019) Okay iDOL@NSTER was kinda (really) a Banger. OSU is the best game Made, still not feelin OSU competitive tho. UPDATE(5/22/19) I do not want to pp farm. Maybe going back to the Hard Rock Modification. (midnight thoughts) UPDATE(7/23/19) It's a month into summer break and I barely played any OSU game. Probably gonna stay that way for the rest of summer lolmanbro. Brethren. UPDATE(3/14/20)Holy fuck finally got a 400 off this shitty map.
Kenny ( tourney god <3) Betarift ( my DT idol. Crazy high bpm plays and god aim) Tiuq ( dt god and rustbell maps god) ShyHD ( better at dt than me lol ) Matrix ( stream god, ar11, and god finger control ) S2VX (god player with god aim that somehow has low acc)
Top plays that I remember: Rog Unlimitation, Dai Dai Genome, Bravely You Tochi's insane, Pride Kakumei, Senya Ondosa (7/13), Natsukoi Hanabi (7/14), Hello Zepp (7/14), Natsukoi Spark of Light (7/19), Best FriendS (8/11), Heart Realize (5/22/19), Kanjou no Matenrou ~ World's End (3/14/20), Inferno (11/14/21)
Favorite plays: Higan Kikou HR, Freedom Dive another HR, sola HR, World's End HR. Every other play Sucks!
❉My top idol is Cookiezi. Cookiezi is the strongest osu! player in history. If I had the aim of Cookiezi I could play osu on the microsopic level. If I had the speed of Cookiezi I could outrun bullets. If I had the stamina of Cookiezi I could stream 300BPM for 7 nights straight. All hail Cookiezi, Aim Spook, Korean Emperor, Burstlimit, Obama, Kettle❉