00:50:056 (50056|0,50056|3,50135|2,50214|1,50293|2,50372|0,50372|3,50451|1,50530|3,50530|2) -
전체적으로 음 하나하나가 뚜렷하게 구분감 있게 느껴지는 부분인데, 00:44:372 - 부터 00:54:477 - 까지 이런 구분감 있는 부분(ex. 00:51:319 - 00:53:530 - )에 배치를 트릴로 했다는 걸 생각하면 일관성이 좀 아쉬울 수도 있을듯? 주관적이지만 트릴이 좀 더 치는 맛이 있을꺼라 생각하기도 하고요
앞의 00:45:003 (45003|3,45003|0,45082|1,45161|3,45240|1,45319|3,45319|0,45398|1,45477|3,45477|2) - 노래가 거의 똑같이 느껴지는 부분이라 이걸 그대로 Ctrl + H해서 써도 좋을꺼라 생각함
06:03:994 (363994|1,364090|1,364187|1,364284|1,364381|1,364478|1) - 155bpm 1/4snap 6 consecutive note feel too difficult compared to other places.
06:03:413 (363413|2,363413|3,363461|3,363510|3,363510|0,363558|2) - It looks better to modify the pattern like this as before.
00:38:252 - ~ 00:41:349 - I'd like to make a suggestion for the note expression in this part.
I recognized that the drum sound is relatively strong where you leave your note as triple, such as 00:38:542 - 00:39:123
But when I heard it at 100%, I don't think it's that much different from other drum sounds. I think it's a little too much to express in three, considering that there are many places where other drum sounds are expressed in one note.
I think this part emphasizes vocal sampling more than drums. Why don't you put your notes according to the sampling?
ex) https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18414054/54f8 (Examples are examples, any note arrangement to focus sampling is fine.)
00:37:478 - I think the long note expressing the vocal sampling of this part is a bit awkward.
00:37:478 (37478|0,37526|1,37574|2) - and 00:37:671 (37671|3) - seem to represent the same vocal sampling, but the difference in expression seems to be a bit severe.
I think you should use the same expression here, or a similar pattern of feeling.
00:50:484 (50484|3,50484|0,50484|2,50615|0,50615|1,50615|3,50745|1,50745|2,50745|0) - double?
00:54:397 - triple? (개인적으로는 더블을 선호하는데 님은 여길 대체로 트리플로 표현하셨음 ex. 00:41:875 - )
01:08:223 - 개인적으론 14col이 나은듯
01:09:397 (69397|1,69397|0,69397|3,69528|3,69528|2,69528|0) - double? (01:01:049 (61049|3,61049|0,61180|0,61180|3) - 똑같은데 여긴 2개)
04:28:962 - 부터 04:37:310 - 중에서 04:29:875 (269875|1,269875|2) - 다른 부분은 전부 34 2연속인데 여기만 34 - 23임
00:03:673 (3673|3) - 는 드럼음(멜로디 없음)이고 00:03:823 (3823|2,3973|1,4123|0) - 는 멜로디음인데 이게 4321 계단으로 이어지는건 개인적으로 좀 어색하다고 봅니다. 개인적으로는 아예 멜로디를 따라갈꺼라면 00:03:673 (3673|3) - 를 빼는게 좋다고 생각합니다.
I think I'll be a little late because I'm not enthusiastic about o!m these days, but I'll send it to Rank one day.