folder and README.txt
Update notes:
00:35:015 for this part of the storyboard the ''YOUR ARMS AGAIN'' lyrics disappear very quickly even before the singer is actually done with the sentence which makes the transition to the next lyric very choppy. Would be nice to extend the duration of this lyric slightly.
As for 00:35:493 ''SHE DOING CRANK IN'' lyrics I think it would be a lot nicer if this text started to appear 00:35:732 here instead since that's where the big loud ''CRANK'' in the lyrics actually starts.
This would also give more time for the first timestamp text to stay on the screen.
00:38:839 + 01:40:194 the ''CRAZY'' text here overlaps with the previous lyrics which looks a bit strange and inconsistent with how you laid out the bold white lyrics before for example:
-> &
Would be nice if the ''CRAZY'' was lowered to match images above so it's easier to read.
01:28:481 lyric here doesn't say ''FASHO'' it actually says (FO'SHO') which is a slang for ''for sure'' that people use. So make sure to correct spelling on this.
01:33:580 lyrics ''YOU CAN DO'' disappear a bit too quickly here because the singer says ''DO'' 01:33:740 here but the lyrics are gone in your storyboard by then. So it would be nice to extend them a bit.
02:23:088 the position of mapset host's name here looks very off, pretty sure you didn't mean to overlap texts like this. Rather I think you meant to make ''tor'' perfectly in the middle?