There's more stuff like this in the map, so try reducing the chaos just in general. This will help with readability and aesthetics. It means a lot for beginners when the notes are arranged in a predictable way.
Open .osu file in notepad:

Then find line `[TimingPoints]` and replace the block under it:

I don't think 1/8 graces in choruses work well tbh. They seem too inconsistent because you have to omit them quite often (00:43:524, 00:47:274, etc).
I tried making 1/8 where it's possible and 1/4 in other cases to make it more consistent (except 00:43:524 where 1/4 is also unreasonable). You can take a look, just throw this file into your map's directory:
But honesty, I don't like how it turned out. 1/8 at weaker sounds 00:45:439 feel weird and if I replace them with 1/4, then the rest of 1/8 feel inconsistent again.
If it was my map, I'd probably completely drop the idea of using 1/8 in choruses and stick to 1/4. But it's up to you, use my file for reference if that helps :)
And your layering might be a bit too heavy. You can view graces as a part of chord, so it's like this but weirder:

I'm also concerned about that 7-6-5 at the start. So I suggest removing 00:16:637 (16637|6) -, 00:18:233 (18233|5) -, 00:19:829 (19829|0) -, etc.
Also a couple tips for arranging those stairs nicely if you struggle.
1. Use turns.
2. Use LNs as a part of pattern too, don't try to squeeze them on the side.

And make a triple at 01:51:422 for cymbal :D
Oh, I see what got me confused. You don't count LNs towards your layering. That's usually not good for structure solidity.
For example, if you use 3 notes for snare, then vocal + snare should be 1 LN + 2 rice (3 in total for snare), not 1 LN + 3 rice.
Same with kicks, you mostly use 2 notes for them, so stick to that. Vocal + kick should be 1 LN + 1 rice.
You can also release 00:32:594 (32594|0) - at 00:33:232 because sound changes there and also for consistent 1/1 gaps:

But that's optional, nothing wrong with connecting LNs to each other.
I avoid any LN release pattern in this diff. You can see it in first section, here for example:

Tried extending both LNs, that doesn't work for me either because it breaks structural consistency. Those LNs are for piano chords anyway, not for melody.
I want to keep more technical pattern for now to make it different from Insane. I already got feedback from a playtester that Extra feels weaker than Insane on tech part, so I don't want to bring it down even more :D
Added quad tho, thanks!