01:59:447 (462) - You could remove this note, as it makes this part quite unnecessarily difficult.
01:12:868 (40) - 01:14:210 (55) - 01:16:184 (73) - You change these to dons to make the patterns less awkward.
00:58:105 (97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113) - I would change this to a simpler stream such as something like kkddddkkdkkkddddk and also turn the note before it (00:57:947 (96)) into a kat.
00:53:921 (56) - I think this would be better as a don,
and also 00:57:157 (89) - into a kat to make it less awkward to play.
The second kiai also has some awkward patterns that could be changed.
Here are my suggestions:
01:24:000 (134) - You could change to a don
01:30:157 (193,194,195,196) - While this one isn't that bad, it can still be quite awkward. You could change it to a (dddk) and 01:30:789 (199,200,201,202) - into a (kkkd).
01:33:789 (231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240) - You could change to kdkkd kkddk
01:35:210 (244,245,246,247) - I don't really understand this 1/6. Maybe move it to 01:34:736 as that's where the piano is?
You can apply these on other similar sections if you think it fits.
While they aren't all "wrong" patterns, the first kiai section has quite a lot of awkward patterns that could be improved.
Here are some suggestions:
00:29:447 (156) - You could change to a don.
00:30:394 You could map here with a kat.
00:30:947 (169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177) - You could change to a kdddkkddk (or anything that goes k--dk--dk where you replace the dashes with a note).
00:31:736 (178,179,180,181,182) - You could change to a ddddk.
00:32:526 (185,186,187,188,189) - You could change to a ddkkd.
00:33:157 (191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201) - Though this one isn't that bad, you could change to something more like kkddkkkdkkd.
00:34:263 to 00:36:631 You could map it the same way you mapped 00:29:210 to 00:31:578 (with the mods above applied).
00:37:657 (237) - You could change to a don.
00:38:052 (239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253) - You could change to something like ddkkkkddkddkdkd.
You can apply these on other similar sections if you think it fits.
01:09:315 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I think a (kddk)kkdkdkkkkddk would fit more
(same for 02:20:052 - 02:21:157)