对于kiai段00:44:441 01:35:505的设计,我希望你可以更多考虑一下。
既然你有意把这个地方 设置为 kiai段,那么 这地方 歌曲的情绪相比其他的地方肯定有不一样的部分,在该歌曲中是更为激烈。
但是 在配置的设计方面,确实 简单的人声和鼓 拍拍拍。前边多少还有LN,到了kiai段 基本只成了拍。
你可以在kiai段将人声 转为用LN表示,并配合鼓点。这是我能提供的一个思路。
这张图除了一些基础的问题外剩下很看 个人的设计了!
00:58:559 (58559|2) - I hear a piano sound here and I think this part is relatively special in this kial (like transition?) and I want to make a difference (or a little desity burst) here.
01:04:559 (64559|0) - I hear a flute sound here.The same reason as the last.
01:16:559 (76559|2) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19486728/a0e8
I delete the note here and 01:16:372 (76372|3) - I plan to change this single note as a Ln to make a difference in the end of kial.
How do you like it? ^_^
I've arranged the patterns here as the pictures show.
I don't mirror one of them but I choose to make them the same.
How do you like it? ^_^
我听着这后面三节 开头可以用个 钩子楼梯,然后楼梯走向都是 升调,中间折一个像02:03:343 (123343|1,123428|0) - 这样的反向小楼梯