[box=Random stuffs about me]-First year uni student (freeeeeshman), in Auckland NZ -Used to watch a lot of animes, and spent a lot of time on visual novels spent like 700 bucks on 5 portable hard drives lol but not much since this year -Feel free to chat with me in game, and I'm more than happy to add mutual XD My osu history: -Joined osu Jun 2013 in osu! standard. -Jun 2014 Ranked around #8000 due to HD Hard maps farming, but then they updated the pp system. and so i switched to ctb a month after spending $100 USD buying the tablet -Nov 5th 2014 Ranked at around #800 due to farming the tiny circle slow ar maps. Someone banned me for my avatar, saying it's inappropriate. I left the game due to that, and also due to that it was when I was preparing for uni entrance, as well as how I was so annoyed by can't fcing the annoying pp farming maps, and I noticed that, that just WASN'T FUN. -Jun 2015 long time since i deleted the game, but I accidentally find the backup in one of my hard drives, and i double clicked on the osu.exe application icon lol. But really, it was the warm welcome from my friends that got me back, i realized that osu is not all about pps and ranks, it about having friends and having fun. -Now. and so here I am. Big thanks to all my friends XD みんなのおかげだよー Play style: ← → for movement shift for acceleration arrow keys broken lol Num Pad 4, Num Pad 6 for movement, Cap. lock for acceleration both keys somehow got mad at me and they just doesn't listen to me anymore [ key and \ key for movement, Q key for acceleration. ok, I'll be nice to u guys alright? just calm down
Other games/things I do -Mainly playing Kancollect (艦隊コレクション) now pleeeeeeze, don't ban me -I don't play league of legends, nor any game like that, possibly mainly because I didn't own my own laptop since 2012. -I used to sleep averaging around 4h per day watching anime, but i guess my body doesn't think that's a good idea any more. -Used to play soccer and table tennis. But gave up when i was like...10? why do u even write this down, like seriously -I love GTA. appreciate if someone give me an dl link for it GTA5nah... i guess i will buy an discounted one later when i have time. -I used to play Air Traffic Controller games (ATC3 etc.), and other games related to aviation. supprise huh? yeah, me too -I love cooking. I love driving. I love singing. I love making friends. I love playing osu. but unfortunately I'm good at non of these things. lol
Other things about my Osu account -I have really bad internet connections, so u might see me coming on and off lines rapidly at times -and as a result I often failed to upload scores, which means that my actually play count should be at least 3 times of the one that's showing in my user page just in case if u are wondering
きっと繋いでる 心は強く 必ずまた逢える
Welcome!and you are in the right place if you are looking for free pp-giving maps!
Just notice me if you want to be friends yeh~ more friends XD
My proudest two plays so far: 2015-07-23 and this is my favourite song. 2015-08 Although it's a new map, and it's a very short map, it's my first time achieving a high rank with ar9.8 XD 頑張ったもん! 2015-07-28