Hey, im HOOlil (previously known as Lurify) (: Im just an average Osu! mania guy as you can see.
how my journey started
my love for vsrg games started with a Roblox game called "Robeats". I pretty much always played the game from time to time. there's not much to say about that time.
when i really got obsessed with rhythm games
after about half a year of playing Robeats i saw another Roblox game called "Funky Friday", and oh boy, that game got me obsessed with rhythm games in general xD. i always had so much fun playing Funky Friday. i was getting so much progress in the game that i felt like i need more challenging maps, soo i searched for any game that had anything harder than Funky Friday. at that time, i only had a phone to play games on, so i couldn't find much.
How i Found out about Osu!
One afternoon, when i was looking through Youtube in my bed, i found a video of the guy everyone knows in the community, BTMC. and it was about Osu of course. i was fascinated and flabbergasted by his gameplay and his content. it was soo good. i was also a big fan of Koifishu afterwards.
my switch from O!std to mania
when i started playing Osu! standard, it was always so much fun to just listen to my favourite song, but what really made me mad, was that i was kinda bad in standard and didn't have the motivation to just farm one single map for so long until you get a decent score, but in mania, i saw more potential in my skill for that gamemode. i climbed up to 5 digit so fast, that it felt like i could get to 4 digit easily, wich wasn't the case of course. That's where I was getting motivated to grind this game everyday