my first rhythm game i played was ddr 8 years ago, i was so fascinated about how fun was the game, but when i slowly grow up i got distracted by other games, after a very long time in 2019-2020, i comeback to rhythm game and the 2nd rhythm game i play was cytus 2. i started to grow my love love to rhythm games, i continue to find more RGs and the next one after cytus was ADOFAI and muse dash, in that time i found out what was osu mania and started grinding, so yea that's pretty much it
-0.9 everlatsing eternity -0.95 everlasting eternity pass -everlasting eternity pass -weenywalker dt pass -s rank make it funky now -s rank nothing but theory -fc lagtrain (sb ver) -100 SS -200 SS -300 SS