01:04:060 (3,4,5) - i understand that the intention is to give this emphasis but this is a pretty huge diff spike relative to the rest of this map, the angle and spacing you are using here makes it play extremely hard
could nerf this section a little bit to make it play a bit more smooth relative to the rest of the kiai
00:51:393 (2,3,4) feels much harder than anytime this rhythm repeats in this section probably because of how you're utilizing slider leniency here but could also be because of the angle or spacing since this is the most spaced.
for instance https://i.imgur.com/s89MI1L.jpg because you have the slider going in the opposite direction of the following note it makes it play like a much larger jump than the other times this rhythm repeats and even the movement is more complex relatively, compare it to this picture https://i.imgur.com/UrXdnbi.jpg
0:34:949 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - over emphasizing 00:35:616 (1,2,3) - when it's a weaker in the song relative to the previous combo, also the angle between 00:35:504 (4,1) - feels really steep when you don't really change the spacing much for the following notes which puts a ton of emphasis on 00:35:616 (1) - and makes it feel a bit awkward to transition into
00:52:504 (5,1) - overlap here is probably too hard to read, you should try to avoid covering sliders completely like this in a normal
The rhythm of this easy starts out with 3/4 which is pretty wild for an easy, generally u try to ease the player into a rhythm like that. the rhythm and difficulty barely varies from the normal they're almost the exact same in difficulty i'd say.
so i'd probably just suggest you redo the rhythm on this diff and make it easier, try to use less 3/4 rhythm or mayb just delete it cuz the spread would be fine without it as well
01:44:050 (1,2,3,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - You have some sections with too many consecutive sliders. based on the ranking criteria for easy's it states that you should try to avoid using slider only sections but i also think changing some of these to circles would help emphasize this section a bit better considering it's not a very calm part anyways
01:31:250 - nc here inconsistent with the rest of the map, 01:31:050 (1) - nc should start here to be consistent
01:10:479 (1,1,2,3) - this NC is not consistent with the rest of this section as well
01:19:511 (4) - missing a NC here
Could you move it farther away from the "blanket area" then to make it something similar to 01:05:802 (1,2) - so the distinction is clearer
can't edit post but its not just the aesthetic of this, the shape feels forced because there isn't enough emphasis in the song there to warrant such a difference in shape relative to the other bursts, also the angle from 00:47:253 (4,5) - relative to the angle of 00:48:705 (4,5) - , 00:49:995 (2,3) - or 00:51:124 (1,2) - is inconsistent
I honestly feel like 8.8 is a bit steep for this diff, the sliders don't really feel that much faster than the hard to warrant a 1.3 AR increase and the difficulty of the map in general is not that much different from it either, it just makes the spread seem a bit inconsistent to me, personally i would put this at around low 8 for better consistency