modder info

Jaltzu's Modding History

I toned down / removed the ones that ramp up to a speedier finisher note, they do indeed feel a bit odd. I kept the slight base SV changes, since I think they flow with the music nicely.
Changed and moved the harder 1/4 to the kiai section instead
I think the barline addition messed them up. Fixed.
... Fixed
hmm k
OK I should've been able to get the actual reading of the name, dang. Fixed.
oh what the heck, removed it.
Yes for the first. As for the second, I changed the patterning to be slightly denser in a different way, since I think starting drum mapping from the white tick makes for a better transition.
I'd prefer easier patterns in oni. There are sounds on 1/4 too so it should be fine.
Maybe remove the SV for these notes for consistent 1,5? Would make the notes easier to read.
I really want something more interesting here tbh. I did single notes on 1/8 ticks, does that work?
I guess this type of vocal focus works as well. I just don't really like leaving the sorta intense kiai middle points completely empty. But I guess it's better that way. Low diff mapping be like that :3.
I'll take out 02:11:670 - 02:18:527 - since leaving longer gaps here wouldn't match the music considering the mapping focus + the spread with other diffs in these spots would look wonky otherwise. The long 1/2 sections should be sparse enough.
I think 6x and 7x is still fine.
I tried avoiding extra 1/4 outside of the clear cymbal sounds. But if you are ok with these, then sure, I'll move em.
Removed 01:58:170 (22) - since splitting up the piano stream just feels awkward to me. I think 7x is still fine since this is the most intense section in every diff.
kat so that there is a color change for finishers in 1/2
Yeah I prefer increasing like originally
Should be fixed.
May look a bit awkward tho since I need to change increasing->decreasing SV mid-stream, lmk if it looks weird to you.
It was purposeful simplification since the resulting 3/8 2/8 1/8 2/8 set is really awkward to play. Decided to changed to just 1/8 doublets instead (02:48:580 - too). Removed couple notes from Oni and Muzu.
Yes, in order to make the transition from rising or stable SV to decreasing SV more smooth.
Fine, changed it a bit
It's missing the drumroll that the other similar parts have, so emphasizing that. Adding just 1/2 feels a bit awkward to me, but could do a triplet from 02:38:455 - for vocal mapping, if that's what you prefer
01:53:335 - ^
01:46:622 - same
02:15:206 - 02:21:919 - 02:25:276 - keep these, the double sound is much clearer
03:07:601 - ^
02:00:468 - ^
01:47:042 - ^
01:23:335 - 01:30:049 - same
I'm focusing more on the type of sound rather than the volume level, usually at least. When it comes to loud vs. quiet mapping, to me kat is far more distinguishable / stands out more. So k = loud & d = quiet would make much more sense for this approach imo.
For volume changing green lines specifically I'd prefer at least -20ms. Shifting the rest may not change anything, but it's more of a "just in case" -type of move.
01:21:028 - similar on this section
00:33:310 - same in this section, I think you should move around the 1/4 notes to better match the guitar: 00:33:581 -> 00:33:762 - 00:34:123 -> 00:34:304 - 00:34:756 - (maybe triplet here too) 00:35:388 - note? 00:39:364 - del 00:39:907 -> 00:40:087 - (suggestions don't include colors, I leave that to you)
00:33:491 - 00:34:575 - 00:34:937 - 00:39:274 - 00:40:178 - Some more guitar focus notes
01:22:007 - d