JOIN HERE if you stumbled across my heat abnormal team by chance, please just shoot me a pm through osu! prioritizing accepting supporters (if you aren't one, just send a request - we still have plenty of slots left)
also if you sent a request and didnt get accepted just send a pm so i'll get a notice since i dont check the request page very often
retired from playing i mostly just do mapping stuff now hiatus, irl stuff and burnout no gds (unless you are my bestie) until at least july or god knows when
just shoot me a pm thru osu! if you wanna mutual or mutualify i check that site every once in a while!!
thank you Kosi for supporter! you are too kind :pray: shoutout to mr Overstable for lending me your sayo o3c and wacom ctl 4100 you are my goat ty king rose toy for supporter i shall upload more maps
「死んだ変数で繰り返す shinda hensuu de kurikaesu "I start over with a dead variable 数え事が孕んだ熱 kazoe koto ga mananda netsu Counting them made my temperature rise どこに送るあてもなく doko ni okuru ate mo naku With nowhere to send it to, あわれな独り言を記している aware na hitorigoto wo shirushite iru I write down a pitiful soliloquy
電撃を見紛うような dengeki wo mimagau you na Almost like an electric shock, 恐怖が血管の中に混ざる kyoufu ga kekkan no naka ni mazaru the fear mixes with the blood in my veins 微粒子の濃い煙の向こうに biryuushi no koi kemuri no mukou ni From beyond the thick smoke of particulates, 黒い鎖鎌がついてきている kuroi kusarigama ga tsuite kite iru a black chain-sickle follows me along 消去しても, 消去しても shoukyo shite mo, shoukyo shite mo Even if I eliminate it, even if I eliminate it 消去しても, 消去しても shoukyo shite mo, shoukyo shite mo Even if I eliminate it, even if I eliminate it 消去しても, 消去しても shoukyo shite mo, shoukyo shite mo Even if I eliminate it, even if I eliminate it 消去しても, 消去しても shoukyo shite mo, shoukyo shite mo Even if I eliminate it, even if I eliminate it 無くならないの naku naranai no it won't go away
とうに潰れていた喉 tou ni tsuburete ita nodo My throat has long since been swollen 叫んだ音は既に列を成さないで sakenda oto wa sude ni retsu wo nasanaide The sounds I screamed out were already a bunch of nonsense 安楽椅子の上 anraku isu no ue Above the armchair, 腐りきった三日月が笑っている kusari kitta mikazuki ga waratte iru a rotten crescent moon is laughing もう mou Now すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming なにかが来ている nani ka ga kite iru to where it is
大声で泣いた後 oogoe de naita ato The people that set fire to the flag of salvation 救いの旗に火を放つ人々と sukui no hata ni hi wo hanatsu hitobito to after crying in a loud voice コレクションにキスをして korekushon ni kisu wo shite and the skeletons that kiss their collections 甘んじて棺桶に籠る骸骨が amanjite kanoke ni komoru gaikotsu ga then resign, shutting themselves in coffins また mata say again, douka shiteru, douka shiteru "There's something wrong with me","There's something wrong with me" どうかしてる, どうかしてる douka shiteru, douka shiteru "There's something wrong with me","There's something wrong with me" どうかしてる, どうかしてる douka shiteru, douka shiteru "There's something wrong with me","There's something wrong with me" どうかしてる, どうかしてる douka shiteru, douka shiteru "There's something wrong with me","There's something wrong with me" そう囁いた sou sasayaita in a whisper 未来永劫 誰もが mirai eigō dare mo ga "If only there were an eternal paradise 救われる理想郷があったなら sukuwareru risoukyou ga atta nara where everyone could be saved" そう口を揃えた大人たちが sou kuchi wo soroeta otonatachi ga All the adults chanting the same song 乗りこんだ舟は爆ぜた norikonda fune wa hazeta had burst the ark they boarded on open 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 彼らを見ている karera wo mite iru are looking at them
哭いた閃光が目に刺さる naita senkou ga me ni sasaru A howling ray of light pierces my eyes お別れの鐘が鳴る owakare no kane ga naru The bells of parting toll 神が成した歴史の kami ga nashita rekishi no The answer born out of the history built by God 結ぶ答えは砂の味がする musubu kotae wa suna no aji ga suru tastes like sand 死んだ変数で繰り返す shinda hensuu de kurikaesu I start over with a dead variable 数え事が孕んだ熱 kazoe koto ga mananda netsu Counting them made my temperature rise 誰かの澄んだ瞳の dareka no sunda hitomi no I ask a question to the stars 色をした星に問いかけている iro wo shita hoshi ni toikakete iru the same color as someone's clear eyes
拾いきれなくなる悲しみは hiroi kirenaku naru kanashimi wa The sadness, threatening to overwhelm, やがて流れ落ち塩になる yagate nagareochi shio ni naru eventually flows down and becomes salt 祈り inori Prayers, 苦しみ kurushimi pain, 同情 doujou sympathy, 憐れみにさえ awaremi ni sae even pity, じきに値がつく jiki ni ne ga tsuku get priced before long 今 背を向けても ima se o mukete mo Even if I turn my back now, 背を向けても, 背を向けても se o mukete mo, se o mukete mo Even if I turn my back, even if I turn my back, 背を向けても, 背を向けても se o mukete mo, se o mukete mo Even if I turn my back, even if I turn my back, 背を向けても, 背を向けても se o mukete mo, se o mukete mo Even if I turn my back, even if I turn my back, 鮮明に聞こえる悲鳴が senmei ni kikoeru himei ga I can clearly hear their screams
幸福を手放す事こそ koufuku o tebanasu koto koso The fish that advises 美学であると諭す魚が bigaku de aru to satosu sakana ga that there's virtue in letting go of happiness 自意識の海を泳ぐ jiishiki no umi o oyogu swims in the sea of self-consciousness 垂れ流した血の匂いが立ちこめる tarenagashita chi no nioi ga tachikomeru The smell of discharged blood permeates the air 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 黒い星が, 黒い星が kuroi hoshi ga, kuroi hoshi ga The black star, the black star 私を見ている watashi o mite iru are looking at me
死んだ変数で繰り返す shinda hensuu de kurikaesu I start over with a dead variable 数え事が孕んだ熱 kazoe koto ga mananda netsu Counting them made my temperature rise 誰かの澄んだ瞳の dareka no sunda hitomi no I ask a question to the stars 色をした星に問いかけている iro wo shita hoshi ni toikakete iru the same color as someone's clear eyes
泣いた細胞が海に戻る naita saibou ga umi ni modoru The crying cells return to the sea 世迷言がへばりつく yomaigoto ga hebaritsuku The grumblings refuse to leave 燕が描いた軌跡を tsubame ga egaita kiseki o The ashen clouds are coming, なぞるように灰色の雲が来ている nazoru you ni haiiro no kumo ga kite iru as though following the tracks a swallow once drew
編んだ名誉で明日を乞う anda meiyo de asu o kou I beg for a tomorrow with a knit-together honor 希望で手が汚れてる kibou de te ga yogoreteru My hands became sullied with hope あなたの澄んだ瞳の anata no sunda hitomi no I ask a question to the stars 色をした星に問いか anata no sunda hitomi no I ask a question to the stars けている iro o shita hoshi ni toikakete iru the same color as your clear eyes
手を取り合い te wo toriai After we hold hands 愛し合えたら aishiaetara and love one another, ついに叶わなかった夢を殺す tsuini kanawanakatta yume wo korosu I'll kill the dreams I could never fulfill 思考の成れ果て shikō no narehate As my thoughts begin to cease その中枢には熱異常が起こっている sono chūsu ni wa netsu ijō ga okotte iru a thermal anomaly appears inside my very core 現実じゃない genjitsu janai It can't be real こんなの konna no This 現実じゃない genjitsu janai can't be real こんなの konna no This 現実じゃない genjitsu janai can't be real こんなの konna no This 現実じゃない genjitsu janai can't be real こんなの konna no This 耐えられないの taerarenai no is unbearable
とうに潰れていた喉 tō ni tsuburete ita nodo My throat has long since been swollen 叫んだ音は既に列を成さないで sakenda oto wa sude ni retsu wo nasanaide The sounds I screamed out were already a bunch of nonsense 安楽椅子の上 anraku isu no ue Above the armchair, 腐りきった三日月が笑っている kusari kitta mikazuki ga waratte iru a rotten crescent moon is laughing もう mou Now すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming すぐそこまで, すぐそこまで sugu soko made, sugu soko made something's coming, something's coming なにかが来ている」 nani ka ga kite iru to where it is"