02:44:100 (164100|1,164100|3) - Could do with being a tripple to better represent the sound as doubles are used in the same section for lesser sounds than this
00:20:925 (20925|0,20925|3,20943|1,20962|2,21035|3,21035|0,21035|2,21054|1) - Charted differently for no seeable reason, with SV it makes playing this a mess, recommend just charting it how you normally do
A promising map but needs some work, it's clear this has come from a newer mapper who's trying to experiment which is great to see. Overall, I quite like it, but there are some parts I don't think the mapper fully understands the difficulty of (all videos they made of their maps I have found have autoplay on, maybe it's too difficult for them) as they mix easy and hard patterns together like in:
00:14:836 (14836|0,14947|0) - 1/12th LN into LN sheilds are far too difficult for this diff
This section generally is well done, fits the song intensity, instrument, and on time, but it has such a random diff spike which is arguably the hardest pattern in the whole map (all 3 diffs have a similar issue in this part of the song)
The pacing of the map is well done, so focusing efforts onto understanding skillsets and the difficulty of different patterns will help the map a ton. Good luck on getting to ranked, with some effort it seems doable.
01:44:393 (104393|0,104504|0,104615|0,104725|0,104836|0) - A 5 note jack is a bit much for a low point in energy
00:14:836 (14836|0,14947|0) - 1/12th LN into LN sheilds are far too difficult for this diff
Aside from vocals which you only map in low sections, you map tripples and quads to the exact same sounds here, example is 00:46:869 (46869|3,46869|2,46869|1) compared to 00:47:100 (47100|3,47100|2,47100|0,47100|1)
Same for 00:40:189 (40189|3), you're definetly using percy LNs (the ones with the gradient), wouldn't reccomend it for mapping for this exact reason