modder info

NamelessFanatic's Modding History

Yes 🙏🏽
this is a map
Ok I'm sorry 🙏🏽
this is THE map
this is a map
I completely missed that, ty!
this is a map
this is a map
this is a map
this is a map
Thank you!
Block Tales mentioned 🔥
That was quick wtf
Yeah that's fine
The wait is worth it in the end
Oh ok yeah I'll fix that when I get home
I'd rather keep it as rice but I did add the missing notes
I'm confused on what you're suggesting, can you elaborate?
I made it intentionally stand out because the different sfx, keeping as is
Added note, however didn't make it LN because I wanna represent the distinct sound with rice
Omg hi taba
Oh yeah good catch, will make these triples
Made it more lenient and fixed chord sizes
There is a repetitive sound that 01:15:342 (75342|5,75342|1,75342|4,75451|4,75451|1,75451|5,75561|1,75561|4,75561|5) (and other similar patterns) represent in this kiai section. The repetetive sound is guitar (I think that's what the instrument is, correct me if I'm wrong) and it's being represented with triples in this section. I'll keep as is
I can hear it lmao
Didn't notice, added quad
Oops didn't notice that ty, fixed
Don't why I represented it as a double anchor at the time lmao, fixed
Just realized the reason why, I explained my reasoning why I don't want to in the other mod
Would rather not, I just want to represent the general sound rather than represent the pitch shift because if I were to move the anchor elsewhere, it would remove the unique representation (which is a long anchor) due to the fact that it would be shortened
Fixed for all diffs
Any particular reason why? It seems fine as is
Made it consistent for all difficulties
Ik, I didn't think about what I mentioned earlier at the time
Imo it plays out perfectly fine, the vocals you mention that I should represent is barely audible unless the playback rate is ≤50 and because of that I feel like it's not worth representing. I'll leave it as is
I grabbed the tags instead from the ranked 4k mania map instead of the standard ranked map (The ones you barrowed) because the song has a different artist/vocalist and I can't confirm which tags are accurate or not
I was gonna add it bro chill 💀🙏🏽
I changed it up to make it consistent with the vocals in this kiai section