Sengeki : "joga high stars, get better!" - xD hope u doing amazing bro <3 DevilPedrow : "just enjoy the game" - I try ; my favourite HR player kizwee : "juga jump maps" - 😨 I'm scared of jumps ueeeeee Risukuma : "Continue farmando que CV chega #1" - o7 I'll try my best boss; Legend LunaMeiVT : "woooow" - yupeeee ^^ YoloTVXD : "bruh what did you toke" - my favorite tryharder SkyzZKsx : "Nice acc xD" - xD viper from france, Is that u? kingbr12121 : "para de ser tryharder Rui" - hehehe I can't stop [Salada] : "Noober é bonitinho chat ^^" - love u Salada, rei do ROCK 🤘🏽 eiry : "I'm the new era [Salada]" - vai tomar no cu seeya, seu ruim ^^ Queen_Agness : "sou maluca mesmo <3" - yes u are <3 lukis : "oi rui" - oi lukis, laptop king <3 [ruki] : "algum dia, um fc nisso é mais de 100p" - just the next mrekk <3 emilio12l : "tu tem futuro mano" - mestre o7 Veturna : "q fofinho ^^" - adopt me tutu <3 Serasona : " :3 " - BR bangers only <3 -Misty : "rui, acabei de chokar fc em lionheart" - only chokes here ApaatoSensato : "Como é q farma" - I don't know how Elfo : "so vou sniper vc em valley kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" - always wants to snipe me xD Doritoz : "uwu" - I've never eaten yehifb : "Dar uma jogadinha vamo" - crush me at std even though he's a taiko player Hylu : "aim player" - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh TheSirkazzio : "eu sou o MontemorU" - fake ha MontemorU : "eu sou o MontemorU" - the real one, the legend Monteeeeeeeeee HAWAzin : "Deranker?" - insane comeback i've become a fan niveoh : "NM 300pp+ loading.....99%" - bro, why I can only farm DT? stum : "AAAAAAAAAAAAH" - stummmy Haibane Renmei : "Bololo" - no words XDDDD zaiyn : "duvido mandar invite" - fear swake : "Stream player" - what can I say?! GabiBoltZ : "NoMod" - GIGACHAD player VitorSkull : "Stream player" - another legend ShellyKing : "UM GRANDE FÃ DE XOOTYNATOR <3" - xootynator <3 <3 <3