I'm playing (and also mapping) on osu!lazer, which is probably not your case (sadly). To display my new top plays, enable Lazer Mode by clicking on your profile picture and ticking "Lazer mode" and "Classic Scoring" (looks better).
In the meanwhile, I recommand you to try osu!lazer, I promise that it's way better than you think. (or at least try to get used to it...)
Hey, you... this box will basically be the preview of my future "about me!" section. I was supposed to start doing it after my first ranked map, but considering that I'm still bad at mapping after three years, if I don't start it now, I will never do it. So here it is (it's a preview so it will still be basic)
You, you might be scared of DMing other mappers, (shyness, being introvert...) and I know how it feels because it is also my case. During these three years of mapping, I've done at least 75% of those 3 years alone. I don't want this to be your case. Feel free and don't even hesitate to DM me about anything. My average DMs received every day is 0, and my phone never rings (it's a way of saying that I don't really exist to anyone except a few ppl but they are outside of osu!), so if I'm online (in game, I might be AFK or just with an osu tab open), I will answer you quickly. I hope it will stay like this forever, in my current state of doo-doo tier mapper or maybe (and I hope so), when I'll join the BNG.
Another = Can be used as a filler diff for maps from 4 to 7*. Finale = (can be used for topdiff over 8*) *If it's an old-styled Insane, going over 4.99* is allowed. For overlapping ranges like Light Insane and Insane or Hard and Advanced, if there's only one diff in the overlapping range, select the latter.