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cev's Modding History

spread is done already :(
i am killing myself tonight
i forgot to change the settings mb
same thing for 03:45:991 (20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31), maybe try doing something a little bit more fun like kdd kkd kkk ddk?
same thing for 02:34:334 (4)
nope, you can have one color change throughout the whole 5plet and it must be either at the start or at the end of the pattern
also don't forget to remap these sections with triples and whatever as leaving objects with 1/1 gaps would feel really out of place
same thing goes for 04:25:591 (248,249,255,256,257,258,259,260), where i would only have 04:27:134 (255) as a finisher
no because the vocal is in 1/3
oops didnt mean to resolve it
actually i'd advise you ctrl g 04:01:420 (117,118,119,120,121,122), make 04:01:248 (116) - a d and make 04:02:105 (123) - a k. Follows the song better imo
also personal preference but i'd ctrl g 04:02:277 (124,125) because it looks and follows the song better since the lead changes pitch
Yeah but moving it will also give 02:49:591 (60,61,62) (the wub) more emphasis. The wub you're trying to follow is barely audible anyways. Also, it just plays badly and it would just result in throwing the player off
Then atleast try making 02:49:334 (59) a k to show that the pitch goes down on the triples?
if you were to do that, you should also make 02:45:648 (42) - a finisher and move the green line from 02:45:991 to 02:45:648
nope since this mod was addressing something happening on one section rather than one object/pattern
i'd also move the green line that's at 01:17:019 to 01:17:877
same thing for 01:14:448 (293,294,295,296,297,298)
actually i don't think the finishers works well in the intro part (00:01:077 - 00:23:019) besides 00:01:077 (4) and 00:12:048 (46). I think you'd be better off if you changed all of these finishers to normal objs
fixed and changed some of the coloring aswell to make it more playable
valid, fixed
02:05:540 (138,161)
00:33:380 (66)
02:04:100 (205,206,207), 02:11:780 (236,237,238)
00:39:620 (112,113,114)
same thing for 00:26:900 (59,60,61,62,63,64) -
same thing for 02:08:660 (347,353,397) -
same thing for 00:53:048 (323,324,325)
would also make 00:35:170 (97) - a d to make the pattern more playable
You should also make 00:35:307 (98,99) - k because according to rc, "1/4 patterns which are longer than three notes should consist of one colour change at most which should take place at the start or the end of the pattern."
03:06:553 (784)
01:30:553 (318)
its 160bpm, its fine probably
but the last diff is oni
same thing for 01:01:304 (230), you could move it to 01:01:590
same thing applies to the ending
If we take a look at 00:25:632 (112,113,114,115,116,117), i'd suggest you move 00:25:632 (112) - to 00:25:819, make 00:25:912 (114) - a d and delete 00:26:192 (116) - to help make it more accurate song representation wise
same thing for 00:09:687 (31) - except u put it one tick back
00:59:321 (415,416,417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427) -
same thing at 00:59:041 (413) -
00:58:668 -
00:57:176 -
00:55:684 -
00:52:395 -