hello, i am sean124 username is spelt schwaerkbillathon but character limit
slowed down in mostly taiko and catch, actually trying to derust 4k now!!! been learning iidx/bms (basically relearning 7k on downscroll and different keybinds so im back at low 3* level now)
if u wanna mutual message me ingame i check the website often and i want more ppl on friend leaderboards i also use this website https://mutualify.stanr.info/ and u should too
if u want me to try out ur map ill gladly do so just message me ingame or on website i will try to give any advice i have, if u wanna just send something u didnt make im still down to play it 👍 here is stuff i will play:
rusted at mania mostly down to play <5.5* but i could probably play beta dan level charts
standard i can play most skillsets except >6.3* stream i like gimmickier stuff
taiko i can play oni/inner oni (current push)
catch i mostly play overdose (havent started pushing 6* yet) basically send me anything any mode im always down to play new stuff)
gonna redo this eventually maybe make it easier to read but im lazy ------------------------------------ milestones/cool stuff i am proud of ------------------------------------ mania:
8/24/21 first 100pp play on overcomplexification 2nd to last diff 9/16/21 first 150pp+ play on speedcore 300 5.8* diff w/ht 9/31/21 first 5 star pass (on speedcore 300 5.8* diff w/o ht damn) 10/09/21 first 200pp play 10/25/21 first 4 star full combo 11/17/21 first 6 star pass (on nano death extra diff) 1/08/22 first 50pp play in 7k 1/09/22 5000 total pp 1/19/22 first 3 star s rank in 7k 2/12/22 first 300pp play 2/13/22 passed galaxy collapse for the first time 2/26/22 first 100pp play in 7k 2/27/22 top 10k (i got #10000 exactly) 3/02/22 top 10k again bc i lost it 3/02/22 this day was a really good session i got two 300pp plays being light it up dt and 99% acc on triumph and regret going from 10017 -> 9431 rank 3/10/22 first 5 star full combo 3/20/22 first 7 star pass (on triumph and regret +dt) 3/29/22 first blue zenith pass and first 6 star s rank (until i improved my score to an a rank later that day) 3/29/22 800K SCORE ON GALAXY COLLAPS EWHAT 3/29/22 NEW TOP PLAY AND FIRST 350PP PLAY GALAXY COLLAPSE 813K 4/02/22 passed c18h27no3 with dt 4/02/22 new top play on c18h27no3 +dt 359pp (i think this was my second pass with dt) 4/06/22 new top play on c18h27no3 +dt 364pp (improved score again) 4/08/22 50 250pp plays 4/09/22 first real 6 star s rank on kai dan 4/09/22 first 375pp+ play on c18h27no3 +dt 388pp oh my god dude why was that worth so much 4/09/22 6000pp 4/12/22 top 8k (#8000 yoo) 4/23/22 top 8k again bc i decayed to like 8070 4/23/22 10 300pp plays! 4/25/22 first 175+pp play in 7k already damn 4/30/22 fc'd triumph and regret last diff new highest star fc(i had gotten an fc a few weeks prior but it wasnt a pb) 5/14/22 zettai reido full combo another new highest star fc 5/18/22 top 7500 (i think it was this day i dont remember) 5/25/22 eternal white fc new highest star fc again!! that came out of nowhere 5/28/22 15 300pp plays!! quite cool imo 6/11/22 GALAXY COLLAPSE S RANK WHAT 6/15/22 20 300pp plays!!! dam !!! 6/22/22 top 7k and 6500pp!!! 6/29/22 first 200pp play in 7k 7/02/22 GALAXY COLLAPSE 96.04% ACC RUN IT SURPASSED AWAKENING AS MY 2ND BEST PLAY LOL 7/02/22 first 400pp play on c18h27no3 +dt yay (pre 10/10/22 rework it got nerfed to 380) 7/23/22 i actually odnt know when this happened but 100 250pp plays jesus 8/05/22 first s rank on light it up dt finally bro 8/26/22 1000 s ranks 9/01/22 SS ON OVER THE STARLIT SKY YEAAAA 9/04/22 50 ss' (5 silver 45 nomod) 9/23/22 97% accuracy on galaxy collapse holy (new top play 10/10/22 rework) 9/23/22 paased 8th dan from 2nd reform pack 96.01% acc 837k score, dont really play dans often but still cool 10/4/22 7000pp!!! (pre 10/10/22 rework) 10/10/22 TOP 6K GAINED LIKE 850 RANK FROM REWORK FELL BELOW 7K PP BUT THATS ALRIGHT 10/16/22 s rank on c18h27no3+dt 399pp 10/16/22 s rank on magical musical master+dt 352pp 10/16/22 TOP 5000 GLOBAL 10/16/22 first 400pp play post rework on triumph and regret+dt 408pp 94.34% acc 10/20/22 7000pp again damn! 10/28/22 97.57% acc run on galaxy collapse worth 409pp 10/29/22 got an s rank on triumph and regret dt 95.12% 438pp jesus 10/29/22 50 300pp plays!!!!! 11/17/22 9th dan clear 96.44% (dont know why i added 8th here but not 9th) 11/21/22 7300pp!! (im probably gonna start incrementing by 100 now) 12/20/22 7400pp dam 12/22/22 100 300pp plays!!! 1/1/23 first 300pp in 7k on new world surprise surprise 1/6/23 7500pp 😱 thank you materialize everything +ht 395pp play 1/6/23 first 400pp in 7k on materialize everything +ht LOOL 1/10/23 first ever 1000000 score play on seishun complex beginner diff holy poop 1/14/23 top 4000 global 1/14/23 5 400pp plays 1/16/23 CLEARED 10TH REFORM DAN WITH 96.78% ACC I MANAGED TO S RANK LOST DEDICATED 😭😭😭😭 FINALLY 1/18/23 100 ss rank plays 2/2/23 first nomod 7 star s rank on of ambrosia shocker 2/4/23 10 400pp plays wtf 2/7/23 first pass on alpha dan with like 4 pauses i do not have the stamina at all 2/8/23 8000pp!!! yippee!!! 2/11/23 s rank on party in the hollowood +dt wtf 2/14/23 cleared 9th underjoy ln dan 97.07% 871k 56 misses yipee 2/14/23 first 9 star pass on system error +ht skipped 8 star but no medal 😭 3/6/23 galaxy collapse 98% finally bruh 3/11/23 first 500pp play you will never guess hwat map it was (t&r dt 97.18% wtf) 3/20/23 leaderboard on every ranked yuru yuri map again (didnt know happy time was a ranked map) 3/20/23 cleared 1st ln, 2nd ln, and 3rd regular 7k dans 3/29/23 3rd 7k ln dan clear 96.33% 😱😱 4/20/23 FIRST 6 STAR FC ON NANO DEATH I HIT THE JUMPTRILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4/22/23 200 ss scram emoji 4/26/23 GOT LEADERBOARD ON OVER THE STARLIT SKY #36 49PF YEAAAAA 5/6/23 94.58% acc run on alpha dan wtf (~94.8 > 95.6 > 95.3 > 94.58 (lazorbeamz impossible)) 5/13/23 first alpha dan s rank 95.50% (~95.2 > 95.8 > 95.7 > 95.5) (pre-v1 with big brother 1.1x) 5/13/23 first alpha dan s rank on real alpha (the one with odoru) got 95.46% 5/13/23 cleared 10th shoegazer dan with 96.28% got a pb on lost dedicated 95.8% 5/22/23 first 5 star ss on top diff of materialize anything 4k set 6/3/23 ALP[HA SAMPLE CLEAR 96.24% (the one with trouble kuroneko and sa'eed (carried by kuroneko 98%)) 6/3/23 REGULAR ALPHA CLEAR 96.08% YEAAA (96.36 -> 96.52 -> 96.35 -> 96.08)
6/7/23 first 2 star 1000000 score play on natsuzora yell 😭😭 6/16/23 250 ss 😮 6/23/23 picture of my first 4th reg 7k dan clear
6/28/23 4th 7k ln dan clear 95.15% got carried by tech map and destroyed by release map (lost like 1.4% LOL) 7/6/23 25 400pp plays so crazy 7/14/23 9000pp thanks finorza 7/30/23 beta dan 94.4% got rapid trigger keyboard 😱😱 7/30/23 ALMOST 97% AIAE GOT 1% ACC IMPROVEMENT 8/3/23 first 8 star pass on stealth dash dt yahoo yippee 8/11/23 beta dan s rank!!! 9/13/23 100 350pp plays 9/16/23 tr1ple alpha clear 96.43% (95.89 -> ~95.65 -> 96.43) 9/22/23 top 2500!!!! 9/25/23 BETA DAN CLEAR!!!! 96.13% (95.9% -> 96.6% -> 96.67% -> 96.13%) HOLY MOLY
9/28/23 400 ss!!! 10/4/23 9500pp !! 10/6/23 50 400pp plays holay molay 10/20/23 gamma sample 93.72% ???? (95 -> 95.08 -> ~93.5 -> 93.72) (sample w/ exile, rengoku, & shinbatsu) 10/22/23 444 ss holay molay 11/9/23 10 500pp plays thank you ln meta 11/12/23 new top play on rebirth the end +ht 574pp (shocker) 11/12/23 10th ln dan clear!!!!
11/13/23 10000pp !!!!
11/13/23 started using lane cover (a wee bit smaller than fadein at 0 combo) and 25 scroll speed
11/15/23 luminal dan clear choke (got up to 96 on gengaozo but lost it on last speed section)
11/30/23 500 ss Cool 1/19/24 actual luminal clear (95.05 -> 95.98 -> 96.42 -> 96.27) razy 2/3/24 600 ss!!!!! 2/25/24 easy gamma s rank (exile 96.57 -> rengoku 95.9 -> reflec 95.33 -> shinbatsu 95.2) 3/13/24 FIRST 600PP PLAY!!! (on rebirth the end ht but we dont talk about that) 4/3/24 700 ss got it a few times bc of qualified maps 5/11/24 500 replays watched!!! thx for watching my replays 5/12/24 750 SS!!! 750th done on wizdomiot top diff 5/24/24 800 ss yay!!!! done on glacia top diff 6/22/24 11th ln dan clear finally bro 8/22/24 900 ss have not been grinding enough 1k Soon Maybe 10/29/24 1000 ss!!! almost got it on songs comp but i choked on mou ii kai
10/05/21 first 50+pp play 😱😱 12/04/21 hddtfl play on a-type 2.7 star difficulty grinded it out for like 2 hours 12/18/21 first 100pp play and first 4 star full combo from same map 12/19/21 first 6 star pass 12/20/21 first 7 star pass LOL 1/23/22 hddt full combo on sarishinohara 2/05/22 2 miss ss choke on can you understand me 5 star difficulty (it wasnt even a pb and i even got another 2 miss ss run 😭) 2/18/22 99% accuracy full combo on tsukiahari nearly first 150pp 3/30/22 first 150pp play and sniped tux haha 4/03/22 top 200k after like 4 days of grinding tillerino (gained like 45k rank in less than a week Dam) 4/03/22 197pp play on some dt farm map almost first 200 (if i hadnt gotten a 50 on a spinner it probably wouldve been 200) 5/05/22 FIRST 200PP PLAY ON QUAVER 6.11 STAR DIFF WITH HR?????????? 5/26/22 top 150k 7/17/22 rog unlimitation full combo technically first 6 star fc but i dropped some sliders so no medal 9/04/22 NEW TOP PLAY ON AO TO NATSU REFORM'S SUMMER THAT TOOK LIKE 5 ATTEMPTS??? I FLUKED THE END 9/29/22 10 200pp plays!!!!! 9/29/22 4k pp!!! 9/30/22 TOP 100K BECAUSE OF REWORK???? NO IDEA IF THIS IS PERMANENT (it was) 10/8/22 6 STAR FC MEDAL FC ON MIIRO VS AI NO SCENARIO NEW TOP PLAY TOO 10/29/22 first 8 star pass on polkamania +hr (d rank didnt ocunt) 10/29/22 passed deadly force put an end 8 star diff real 8 star p;ass (c rank count) 12/10/22 25 200pp plays choked happy time missed past the horizontals 😭😭😭😭 1/09/23 first 260pp play skipped 250 on sore wa chiisana +hddt 99.15% that came out of nowhere 2/12/23 new top play on acchu ma seishun +hd ss choked for 272pp 2/12/23 50 200pp plays da,m 2/26/23 first 300pp play on kani do luck +hr choked fc with only 4 100s 2/26/23 5k pp 😀 3/5/23 got a new top play worth 316, yeah 3/10/23 got another new top play worth 318, mhm 3/15/23 100 200pp plays 8/24/23 got another 300pp play on daidai genome dt on mouse which was a surprise 8/24/23 top 50k!!! 11/10/23 new top play on no title hdhr on mouse!!!!!!! 100% acc too!!!!! 1/30/24 6k pp and top 40k due to lazer pp, idk if this will change in the future 2/1/24 6k pp without lazer pp 2/2/24 10 300pp plays 2/2/24 top 40k without lazer pp 🙏🙏 3/11/24 6500pp 4/9/24 top 30k Holay Molay 4/27/24 new top play on quaver nevo's extra +sohdhr 392pp!!!! 1x100 if i had ss'd it owuldve been 400 5/5/24 7000pp wow! 5/5/24 top 25k accidentally surpassed rank range for a tourney 😭😭😭 5/5/24 first 7 star fc on twinkle twinkle insane +hddt but no medal not max combo 5/28/24 50 300pp plays 7/18/24 FIRST 400PP PLAY ON SAVE ME NOT FC BUT CLOSE 0 MISS 7/20/24 top 20k 1/20/25 glacierfall [get f**ked up] almost fc (combo broke 2nd to last slider) insane score on sentimental map
5/12/22 top 50k 5/13/22 1000 overall pp 5/16/22 first 100pp play on remote control LOL 5/23/22 1500 overall pp 6/06/22 top 25k 6/11/22 top 20k 7/01/22 first 150pp play on the big black (post september 2022 rework it got buffed) 8/27/22 first 150pp play on yell wasnt even an fc (pre september 2022 rework) 9/28/22 top 15k because of rework LOL 2/13/23 FIRST 300PP PLAY ON STRANGEPROGRAM LOOOL WHY IS THIS WORTH SO MUCH 1/24/24 3000pp i have started playing taiko again and i am trying to improve 1/26/24 first oni ss on gabriel dropkick a bit over 1 year after i ss'd muzukashii #Swag 1/30/24 top 10k due to lazer pp, might change in future but i was like 10880 before today 2/19/24 first 200pp play not counting convert abuse 2/22/24 deranked by getting (mostly) rid of my convert abuse scores, got strangeprogram to 80pp 3/02/24 top 10k for real!!!! (without lazer pp) 3/03/24 top 1k usa 3/08/24 top 9k and 4k pp 4/21/24 4500pp 8/16/24 first 6 star pass on plasma gun LOL 9/06/24 5000pp 9/06/24 FIRST 300PP AND 5 STAR FC ON TRY AGAIN INNER ONI LOL 353PP 9/18/24 top 7k
catch !?
4/23/24 first 3 star pass 4/24/24 50pp play 4/25/24 first ss 4/25/24 first 75+pp play on ne! ko! platter diff (83pp) 5/04/24 1k pp 5/05/24 top 25k 5/08/24 first 100pp play and first 3 star fc on traumatic 5/11/24 1500 pp 6/24/24 2000 pp 6/24/24 first 4 star fc and first 150+pp play on traumatic 6/25/24 TOP 10K I CHOKED 200 ON GIRL MEETS LOVE RAIN ??????? 6/25/24 firsat 5 star pass i forgot what it was on 7/24/24 top 9k #Damn 8/14/24 top 8k 8/18/24 first 200pp play on miracle hinacle Yay 9/20/24 first 250pp play on clattanoia overdose +hd 261pp (295 if fc sob) 9/20/24 3000 pp 9/20/24 top 7k 9/25/24 top 6k 9/28/24 3333 pp Holay molay 9/28/24 first 6 star pass 9/28/24 top 5k
games ive 1cc'd on normal (beaten without continues) some of these i had screenshots of the result screen and others i dont think have a result screen and im not gonna watch the entire replay and count each hit (at least not rn maybe later)
7/10/23 touhou 7 PCB, 6 hit 17 bomb 7/17/23 touhou 8 IN final A, 9 hit 20 bomb 7/29/23 touhou 8 IN final B, 7 hit 26 bomb 8/06/23 touhou 10 MoF 9/02/23 touhou 9 PoFV 9/02/23 touhou 11 SA (idk if i did this before or after PoFV, and idr if this had a result screen) 4/22/24 touhou 12 UFO 4/22/24 touhou 13 TD i remember this run was no hit up until stage 6 5/08/24 touhou 6 EoSD thank you vsync patch dll 🙏🙏🙏 5/20/24 touhou 14 DDC 6/17/24 touhou 15 LoLK pointdevice mode (idk if this counts i personally dont really count it)
probably beating 15 next hoping i can do it in a decent amount of time THIS GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE i think i should go for pcb lunatic first
sorta ordered by when i think ill be able to do it but probably not accurate
get 50 250pp plays in mania ✅ get ss on over the starlit sky 4 star difficulty ✅ pass blue zenith ✅ get a 4 star s rank on a real 7k map ✅ (limit does not exist dont count) get a 7k play into my top 100 ✅(the play is 245pp as of writing god damn) pass hold angel another difficulty ✅ get an s rank on elemental creation last diff ✅ be able to play 120 cj consistently idk ✅i think so get 50 300pp plays in mania ✅ get 100 300pp plays in mania ✅ reach 100 ss'✅ clear 10th dan ✅ pass eternal white +dt ✅ get a 300pp play in standard ✅ get leaderboard on over the starlit sky ✅#36 WOOOO get 5 400pp plays ✅ 95% alpha dan ✅ clear alpha dan ✅ 6/3/23 wooo 300 ss ✅ clear 4th 7k regular dan 95% beta dan ✅ clear 10th 4k ln dan ✅ clear beta dan ✅ 400 ss ✅ 500 ss ✅ clear 11th 4k ln dan ✅ sample gamma dan (exile, rengoku, reflec, shinbatsu) gamma dan !? maybe by next summer (maybe by end of summer its already may 20th LOL) did not happen get a cool score on electro peaceful (banger but impossible map) fc over the starlit sky +dt 1000 ss ✅ 94/95% on three bastards tachyon maybe delta dan get to rank 124
------------------------------------------ acc score goals not in any order:
monosugoi space shuttle de koishi SS son of robot ultra SS athaza insane SS ✅ clip it bro SS amnehilesie SS l9 insane or daydream SS armageddon SS ✅ 600th ss!!!!! bakuure match uri no haken shoujo SS shinkou wa hakanaki ningen no tame ni SS reloaded SS izana (baniiyanii set) SS ✅ party in the hollowood SS ✅ cirno no perfect sansuu kyoushitsu SS save me SS rhythm hell SS mafain SS either of the touhou boss rush maps SS (prolly a stretch theres 6 ss across 2 of the 3 ranked ones)
if anyone ever gets justice monster ranked in mania i will SS it (please someone rank justice monster im not very experienced with mapping)
list of 1000000 score plays in order
01/10/23 #5 seishun complex +dt 1.34* 02/14/23 #1 iden tei tei meltdown 1.44* 03/19/23 #8 yuriyurarararayuruyuri daijiken 1.35* 03/20/23 #3 happy time wa owaranai 1.77* 04/16/23 #7 over the starlit sky 1.32* 04/23/23 #3 idol 1.46* 05/17/23 #4 natsuzora yell [easy] +dt 1.63* 05/17/23 #2 natsuzora yell [normal] 1.93* 06/07/23 #7 natsuzora yell [hard] 2.4* 😭first 2 star 1 mil 06/11/23 #2 aozora ni kamihikouki 1.31* 07/24/23 #1 idol 1.7* (6k set) 08/01/23 #1 theme for psychopath justice 1.37* (convert) 08/15/23 #4 tussle among trees 0.92* 08/24/23 #1 harumachi clover 1.23* (7k set) 09/09/23 #1 dokimeki diary 1.62* 10/14/23 #1 blue bird 1.5* 10/16/23 #15 neko atsume no thema 1.17* 04/14/24 #1 folila 1.41* 05/23/24 #1 chaos assembly 2.25* 05/24/24 #2 nekochang 2.36* 05/26/24 #8 touhou hisouten 1.04* 06/12/24 #2 my dream girls 1.53* 07/11/24 #1 shikairo days 1.45* 07/27/24 #2 Dou Kangaete mo Watashi wa Warukunai 1.8* 09/02/24 #1 my dream girls [easy] 1.51* (blackbn set) 09/02/24 #1 my dream girls [normal] 2.06* (blackbn set) 11/27/24 #5 akariakariakariakariakari [normal] 1.37* 12/13/24 #1 world is mine 1.35* 02/22/25 #2 2008 1.46* (chickengold sniped me by 3 seconds 😭😭😭😭)
been slacking on 1mils but im too lazy to grind them or too late to get #1, only really grind max score on songs i like or have a chance at #1
tournament history if i can remember correctly:
the broken matrix: eliminated in low div quarterfinals lost 3 - 6 namt 2023: eliminated in ro32 got swept ffaot summer exhibition: eliminated in ro16 conditionals lost tiebreaker (crazy ass match) anti-meta madness: lost ro64, won loser's ro32 5 - 2, lost loser's ro16 6 - 2 against verdon gg international rhythm league: played on team PLEASE LET ME IN COACH, I GOT CIRCLE DREAMS we got eliminated first round 0 - 4 againt The 5 squallinkys first time playing on a team meow mania: eliminated in quarterfinals played on team Huypham's Kitties LOL skibidi mania cup ☹: team Rest in presents Rezu seed 9, forgot what round we got eliminated but we ended up forfeiting a bit after going to losers bracket
only played in rutgers rgc monthly tournaments, dont think i got far in any of them but i played in rgc monthly 1, 2, 9, 10, and 11 colour cup: did not qualify Rip 5 digit faceoff: Oops (gained too much rank by accident 😭 rank range was 25k - 75k and i was ~24700)
5usc socal b team: ro32 won 6 - 0 against norcal c, ro16 won 6 - 2 against new jersey b INSANE match, quarterfinals lost tiebreaker 6 - 7 vcery insane match, semifinals losers won 7 - 0 against new york b then won 7 - 5 against texas b, finals losers won 8 - 0 against massachusetts b then won 8 - 5 against maryland 😱😱😱😱 grand finals won 8 - 2 against connecticut b, 8 - 0 against norcal b, bracket reset and won 8 - 2 against norcal b again!!!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOCAL B TEAM U GUYS ARE CRAZY AT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! collab
totis international tournament series 2 team beer: lost first round, won by forfeit, lost second losers bracket round socal suiji: forfeited first round and lost second LOL
beginner fruit frenzy 2 (ctb) team wahoo seed 2 (medkek and spoon are the goats of the team tysm for the carry) eliminated in losers finals first match i accidentally slept in 😭😭😭 sincerest apologies