keybinds: A-S-D-Space (Ring-Middle-Index-Thumb) started: August 01 2024
notes: - it only took me a week to get comfortable enough to play at my normal level w/ it, maybe a month to fully adapt. - your acc will take a hit and it'll take a while for it to recover - full alt is the easiest way to do it, do not attempt anything else - stamina goes up a ton for sure, speed not so much (your regular 4k streaming speed will probably match your 2k burst speed). this would be due to interference, if you have a hall effect keyboard (w/ rapid trigger or a low actuation point set) or use a membrane keyboard where it's less of an issue, then you can expect your top speed to go up higher. - for me, 4k is more fun to play even on easier difficulties. it just feels more dynamic.
things that may make your learning experience faster: - you can play 7k mania - you touch type >100wpm - you've learned an alternate keyboard layout (colemak, dvorak, etc.) - you enjoy / are good at playing finger control maps
philosophy: 1. a generic map is the result of not following the song well enough. if a mapper can't produce a beatmap that's memorable, then the song must not be memorable either. 2. patterns are cool 3. lower difficulties should not sacrifice style
for new mappers: 1. make sure you map stuff you can play, because if no one's willing to mod your stuff or if you're scared of feedback, you can always do it yourself. 2. your style is something that naturally develops over time. as you create more, you'll try new things and the stuff that sticks out to you will carry over to your newer maps.
for experienced reclusive graveyard mappers: 1. look at graveyarded sets of the same song you're mapping to boost your ego 2. the biggest motivator is disappointment
fav mappers: dsco / moph / pishifat / fanzhen0019 / Hollow Wings underrated mappers: Vell / Left / P o M u T a / Uberzolik / ylvy / z1085684963