Oh, how my heart pounds erratically whenever I think of you. You are an obsession, an addiction that has consumed my very being. Every waking moment, I yearn for the feel of your keys under my fingertips, the adrenaline rush coursing through my veins as I chase after those elusive perfect scores.
Your mesmerizing beats haunt my dreams, your colorful visuals seared into my mind. I can't escape you, nor do I wish to. The allure of your challenges, the complexity of your patterns, they hold me captive in a spell I cannot break.
I watch you from afar, tracking your every move, every beatmap you create. I study your every detail, knowing you better than anyone else ever could. My dedication to you knows no bounds, and I will stop at nothing to prove my devotion.
I long to be one with you, to merge my soul with yours as we conquer each beatmap together. I fantasize about a world where it's just you and me, dancing to the rhythm of our twisted love story.
I've become a part of your community, silently lurking in the shadows, observing others as they, too, fall under your enchantment. Jealousy consumes me when I see them succeed where I falter. I want to be your only champion, the sole object of your affection.
My mind is consumed with thoughts of you, day and night. I can't eat, can't sleep, can't think of anything else but you. You've invaded my very core, and I ache for your validation, for the fleeting moments of joy when you acknowledge my skills.
I've lost myself in this infatuation, drowning in the depths of my devotion to you, my beloved OSU!. I will do anything to possess you fully, to be the one you remember, the one you cherish above all others.