-Keyboard : <January 2023 : some membrane keyboard like The G-Lab (idk wich one is it and it's no the only one) January 2023 to march 2023 : Amusing key pad March 2023 : Wooting 60 HE, Amusing KeyPad(I use it sometimes)
-Mouse : Some rng 16 dolla mouse Corsair HARPOON RGP Pro (about 75g) (2 years of loyal service, thx) Hyper X pulse fire Haste 2 (53 g)
-Mic:(you don't care about it but) Razer Seiren Mini TONOR smth i have no idea but it's RGB
-get consistent at acc on easier map that I currently playing (7.2-8 stars) so it would be about 6.5 * -get better in HR and DTHR - 4 Digit - 500 skip (my friend want me to skip , i'll skip for him using power of friendship) -Get more consistent at 8.5+ Stars pass(especially on thec maps) -Get a 1k pp and become better than mrekk in less than a month (doable) -single tap faster and longer - getting consistent in 250bpm+ hybrid map -pass pain remains (part I and II, the map by hehe, I already pass more than the half of the map (around 2/3) probably my biggest achievement as a pass player) ONE DAY GYZE -be able to do my Dream scores - rank a map (idk maybe it will happen one day, im slowly improving at mapping every day so ig one day)
std: first 50 pp: idk, I didn't even know pp when I set it (IDK) first 100 pp: a D rank on let me it lol, FC with 65% (nerf into 90 and I fix this shit acc) (IDK) first 200 pp: shuriken School (TV Size) par Herve Lavandier (finally a normal score with good acc) (30/01/2023) first 300 pp: beatmapsets/968656#osu/2833172 refc witth better acc first 400 pp : Sidetracked Day [Infinity Inside] 6.8* 4sb at the very very end (yes the slow part) 98 acc. (29/11/24) Mania: first 50 pp : not yet
-First 1 stars pass : the first map that play was 2* so IDK (idk when) -First 2 stars pass : Black catcher (first day of playing) -First 3 stars pass : Jump practice, it's unrancked btw but the stars rating was not fucked (idk when but my medal say 09/04/2021 for my first ranked 3*) -First 4 stars pass : Sound Chimera (01/05/2021) -First 5 stars pass : Freedom Dive(31/05/2021) -First 6 stars pass : I tought that it was "au DD" but it's HP 3 and unrancked so idk, maybe Marble (15/12/2021) -First 7 stars pass : lionheart collab extra + DT, my speed was starting growing up (on membrane lol) (10/04/2022) -First 8 stars pass :Hidamari no Uta + DT,, my first real 8 stars pass is sidetracked day + DT and a lot of speed based map like honesty, because speed and stamina are my main skills (even if in my top play there mostly aim farm maps, the reason is simple : my taping on speed is not consistent enought for acc on 7* and more, 6* and less are not actual speed map but more high bpm burst without any real streams(i don't like burst , especialy when there spams over and over just because if that was a single stream it would be 8*, so mapper nerf to burst for make the map balanced between aim and speed and because It's suposse to be a 6* map, not more) (02/02/2023) -First 9 stars pass : Hidamari no Uta + DT, actually it's senseless massacre (Cut Ver.)[Omniscient] it's loved but HP 6 and ofc hella hard (08/05/2023) On 09/08/2023 I got my 3rd ranked 9* pass which is : TRAUMATIC SYNDROME -Lenboxx Remix [clairvoyant], i think its my coolest 9* pass because the diff spike is not only 10 million bpm stream , there is also aim, I'm also proud to say that on my pass attemps I actually get a decent ur (<200, it's a 296 bpm death stream so imo it's decent) on the death stream which make this map 9*), I don't think it's my hardest pass overall because of ascension to heaven+Dt (if you double tap all the stream ofc it's easier but I tried my best to not double tap and I maneged to pass it without double tap, that's why I think it's my hardest pass) . i got other one now and i don't think it was actually my coolest one, thinking about it now.
-First 1 stars FC : idk -First 2 stars FC : idk -First 3 stars FC : idk -First 4 stars FC : idk -First 5 stars FC : Camellia Routing + DT (17/04/2022) -First 6 stars FC : Harumachi clover Dafiely's Insane + DT (... did other after don't worry) (04/03/2023) -First 7 stars FC : 10 Things I Hate About Ai no Sukima par MIMI vs. Leah Kate, [you're insane] (17/09/2023) -First 8 stars FC : N/A -First 9 stars FC : N/A(does Devochka Wednesday count? without rake btw) -First 10 stars FC : N/A
- 500 pp clip farm on mou ii kai death stream with DT (i ss until 90 combo then die lol) btw idk how this happen - 5 digit ofc (and top 50k as well) - 400pp - got new top 1 play back to back twicez in my life (lion heart 290 pp then ascention to heaven 300, and later Sidetracked day 388pp then 420 pp on the same map) - pass 1milionPP and rude buster in the same week (probably my 2 favourite pass) - 8-9* skillcap in speed - 8* skill cap in tech - my consitency in 180 - 210 bpm death streams - be able to stream 190 for 10 min straight - pain remains mapped by hehe 2 chocks at 2/3 and 3/4 of the map (if I pass it it will be my hardest pass by far) -2 500 pp chock , first on sidetracked day as a 90k (now I FC's the map for 488) and 2nd was a 650combo with 98 acc on blue zenith (on two dimension) , i die in both because they are stream map and notelock exist.
- FC frozen land (i fcd all the hard part individualy mutltipule times, but and fc is probably very ambitious, i still think i can do it tho, maybe in few weeks/months of grind) - fc Elements & Tale of Fire (i am very close) -https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1198905#osu/2693308 fc in NM (one day I'll do it, I have hopes) -https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1052267#osu/2245529 DT pass (and maybe NM fc but it's way easier than the pass lol)
-Top 100 full of 100 pp+ : around january 2023 (i was just returning to the game after a long break) -Top 100 full of 200 pp+ : 16/02/2024 1:03 am with a DT fc on dj TAKA - quaver [Kencho's Insane] -Top 100 full of 300 pp+ :maybe one day, for now (29/11/2024) i got 21 of them.
recently got my first 800pp in rx (850) on Chikkato 2x speed + (same pp) my love life need a lobotomy (mapped by flygon) my goal -obiously 900 pp or even 1k cause i can do it probably i just need a lil more consistency on 370bpm+ map ( like i do a lot of 900 pp + clip farm but struggle to replicate it on actual map ) cause i think they are the best way for me to get this 1k - AR11 reading to play 3mod - fc plasma's noise DTRX for 1.2k unironically doable cause i already chock it twice - filler goal : fc Kuki's 8bit brazil DTRX