我手速叒渣 移动不直 读图模糊 反应迟钝 没一个note能打出300的,就我这样还想跟你们同台较量?做我的美梦! 我觉得ppv2对我的反应是真实的,客观的,公平的,公正的。 我大力支持ppv2成为主rank,任何背离ppv2的实力评价方法,在理论上是站不住脚的,在实践上是有害的 I believe that ppv2 presents a real, objective and fair performance of mine. I hereby back ppv2 as the major performance ranking. Any ranking system opposed to ppv2 is untenable theoretically and harmful practically.
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追赶目标:lmdsqx(手速),Jemmmmy(ACC) My idol: Nepunepu, Yakumo Yukari, 变态芔羊, LyWang