100pp - Mizuoto to Curtain (idk when) 200pp - Still Into You DT (26/03/2022) 300pp - Save Me (20/09/2022) 400 unranked - Ducks Whomst From The Heavens Came (24/11/2023) 400pp - Best Friends HDDT (18/12/2023) 500pp 600pp
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Sugar Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Hypocrisy Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mitra Fleshgod Apocalypse - Pendulum Ne Obliviscaris - Suspyre Ne Obliviscaris - Misericorde I Ne Obliviscaris - Misericorde II Irreversible Mechanism - The Agony Aoratos - Of Harvest, Scythe and Sickle Moon Aoratos - Holy Mother of Terror Akhlys - Somniloquy Akhlys - Pniglion Akhlys - Tides of Oneiric Darkness Akhlys - Sister Silence, Brother Sleep Infant Annihilator - Cuntcrusher Infant Annihilator - Swinaecologist Lorna Shore - Welcome Back, O' Sleeping Dreamer Lorna Shore - Into the Earth Lorna Shore - Wrath Lorna Shore - Of the Abyss Lorna Shore - ...And i Return To Nothingness Lorna Shore - Too The Hellfire Lorna Shore - Sun//Eater Lorna Shore - Souless Existence Lorna Shore - Apotheosis Ov Sulfur - Death Ov Circumstance Ov Sulfur - Hivemind(Sh4rq_'s map) Rings of Saturn - Infused Rings of Saturn - Senseless Massacre Rings of Saturn - The Heavens Have Fallen Rings of Saturn - Lalassu Xul Rings of Saturn - No Pity for a Coward Kardashev - Torchpassing Mental Cruelty - Ultima Hypocrita (rank blood9's) Mental Cruelty - Zwielicht (the album, Sh4rq_'s map) Mental Cruelty - Zwielicht / Symphony of a Dying Star Xanthochroid - Blessed He With Boils (asaben's set doesnt count) Xanthochroid - Blessed He With Boils (the album) Rivers of Nihil - The Silent Life (feb's set doesnt count) Cattle Decapitation - Dead Set On Suicide Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite (the album) Cattle Decapitation - A Phontic Doom Cattle Decapitation - Scourge of the Offspring Cattle Decapitation - A Living Breathing Piece of Deaficating Meat Cattle Decapitation - Forced Gender Reassignment Angelmaker - I Long For Rest
might make these myself once i enter the retirement home(mapping)