I got osu! supporter FOR THE FIRST TIME thanks to [ MG ]Painesito I really appreciate it man, keep going with ur amazing SS only plays, ur so good doing that!
I got supporter FOR THE SECOND TIME thanks to mighty boob AKA JAYTONGUE!! Thank you so much man! Im looking forward to see what can u do with content creation for this comunity!
About Me
So, i like to hit circles to the beat, it is so fun to hit them isnt it?
I like to play DT mostly (cuz high AR and i just enjoy speed) but sometimes i like to play whatever i find always when its not too slow (AR 9 is pretty slow for me alr and >200BPM is slow too lol) thats why i have DT on basically all my top plays and recent plays.
Im just a guy from Spain who likes anime, videogames, tech stuff, pretty lazy but passionate about the stuff he likes, and with an usual schedule of +8h his actual timezone (i just like to live into the night, its just so quiet outside it is super cool)
So i am kinda hooked to f2p games or those which stories are based on oriental places (specially japan, korea and china).
Rocket League, Genshin Impact, Splitgate, osu! (obviously), those are examples of f2p games i like.
Then we got the Yakuza saga, Lost Judgement, Sleeping Dogs, etc...
But yeah, most of the time i am playing either Rocket League, osu!, Genshin, GhostRunner or Lost Judgement. For all the games on that list that arent osu!, i either play them on GeforceNow, or on my Xbox One X.
Whats ur fav anime?
Id say without a doubt Bocchi The Rock is one of the animes i kinda enjoy for the comedy part of it but also because i find some momments similar to how i use to be, not as exagerated as bocchi of course, but yeah, it is there.
Then id say the one i enjoyed the most is Spy X Family, specially S2, it was sooooo funny dude, and theres nothing better than watching something that makes u laugh at least 3 times every chapter W
I also enjoyed Nichijou for basically the same reason, it is so freaking funny, everything is unexpected asf, i wish i could rewatch it and feel the same as the first time, but its one of those series that once u watch it, u cant be surprised anymore, cuz u know what will happen, so it will no longer be funny because it was unexpected
I always find it hard to choose between more than 1 thing for anything in life really, but if i had to choose one of those, id say i enjoyed Bocchi The Rock the most, and thats why i use her in my pfps on almost every website i can w
Without a doubt (at least currently) my fav artists are Creepy Nuts (aka the ones that made Yofukashi no Uta's opening and ending, + some other tracks in the serie, Bling-Bang-Bang-Bom, and i dont know if they've been in more series)
I found them for the first time not long before ending watching Yofukashi no Uta (aka Call of the night) when i searched for the ending of the anime, since i liked the song, then i found the opening (Daten), and then started listening to every song of them, which was the best thing ive done in my entire life since holy sht i never found so many songs i would like at once lmao
Some honorable mentions are:
Inumo Kuwanai
Yofukashi no Uta
Gouhouteki Tobikata No Susume
Yujin A
Nue No Nakuyoru Wa
Tarinai Futari
Minna Chigatte, Minna ii
Great Journey
Front Desk No.9
Trench Coat Mafia
Dr. Frankenstein
Oreyori Eraiyatsu
Ore kara taikutsu o ubawanaidekure
Stray Dogs
No kidding, when i realized, i downloaded basically all of their songs uploaded to their YT channel (without counting 2 or 3 + Instrumental versions)
So, if i had to choose only 5 from all of their songs in their YT channel, not ordered btw... i think id go with:
Otonoke (one of my fav here)
Nidone (one of my fav here)
Nobishiro (one of my fav here)
To Us Former Prodigies
Bad Orangez (one of my fav here)
Lazy Boy
Baka Majime
Bareru! (one of my fav here)
2Way Nice Guy (one of my fav here)
Spotlight (one of my fav here)
Nue no Nakuyoru Wa
Patto Saite Chitte Haini (one of my fav here)
Biriken (one of my fav here)
Itano Ueno Mamono
Who am I
Dawn (one of my fav here)
Ni-Zero Ni-Zero (one of my fav here)
Digital Tatoo
Tsuki ni Tooboe
Yeah no, i cant choose between only 5 lmao Also whenever i can, ill link the YT songs for everything so u can find them easier
Quick Story
So before having the Spanish flag on my profile, i had the Japanese one until some months after i actually started playing, why?
Well, i didnt make this account. Basically, a friend of mine (whos actually japanese) made the account so i could download maps from the website, since at the time i didnt have a pc to download the game and i was an osu!droid player (and since then u needed to download either stable or lazer to make an account, for what i know, u didnt before the new website, correct me if im wrong tho) and i didnt even know about lazer before.
So he made this account for me, and yes, just to make it clear, he made the account, im the only one using it since then.
Its an old laptop yeah, but its upgradable, so im thinking on getting an i3-2310M or an i5 2410M. Im still not sure since i am still really noob with this level of technical stuff, but ive seen ppl had no issues with the bios version going from a B820 to the i5 2410M, so i might try to go directly to that one
Thinking on getting another 4GB and do 8GB dualchannel, but idk if i should get 2 directly or if i can just get 1 more with the same specs or similar without any compatibility issues
240GB SSD from EMTEC "X150"
15€ AliExpress keypad with Outemu browns/reds (overclocked to 1000hz)
So i discovered osu! around Nov 2019, when i searched for "Rythm games for Android" since at the time i didnt have a pc, and then i saw a game that was different from the other ones i saw at the time, it was about hitting circles that appeared on different parts of the screen, and it had something no other rhytm game i saw had, and it was aim.
I saw it was called osu!, so i decided to search "How to download osu! for Android" and then i discovered a project called opsu!, it was pretty similar to osu! on pc, so i gave it a try.
I would play opsu! for about 2 months or so, then i just left it mostly because it was a buggy mess and apparently it was already dead back when i discovered it.
Re-discovering the circles world
Its been some time since i left and probably even forgot about opsu!, but one day while on YT, i saw on my recomendations some osu! plays from Vaxei (iirc) and decided to give it another try, but since i already knew that the opsu! project was outdated, i decided to saerch again "osu! for Android" and discovered osu!droid, decided to try it out and since around Jan 2021 i started playing osu!droid.
Playing osu!droid
So, u probably know how the beggining was, finding songs i liked, form series i liked and stuff..
Then, after around 2 months of getting used to the gameplay, started playing farm and TV Size 4* - 5* maps iirc. U know, most of the Sotarks maps, Browiec, and more mappers.
I gotta say, its pretty hard to get pp (aka dpp) from jump maps on osu!droid, obviously, since those are really nerfed, for obvious reasons. But even tho its easier, that still doesnt mean its "easy", for example, theres some maps that are just "holy fcking sht that is fcking impossible how is he even reading all those" kind of thing. But yeah even those are still nerfed, idk if they would even be possible on osu!, so u get the idea.
After basically an exact year, i was able to play 7* maps decently, and some 8* with pretty good acc (90% - 95%) but i felt i wanted to play just like osu! players do, u know, with one cursor always on the screen and having to move it to hit the notes while using both hands, one to move the cursor and one to tap, instead of just using one hand to hit every thing that was not a stream or a burst. I felt that made jumps way too easy and didnt really enjoy it at that point (dont ask me why, i dont even know myself)
So, since tapping was kinda boring for me, i decided to change my playstyle at the beginning of 2021 (around Feb and May iirc) and tried to become a "Full Drag" player. It was way more fun than tapping imo.
I already knew some players (if not most atp w) used a drawing tablet to play osu!, and since i didnt have a pen for my phone (it also didnt come with one) i decided to look on YT and made one by myself.
This picture was sent on osu!droid's discord server on Feb 2nd 2022, but it was months after i actually made it iirc, since i remember playing with it in the summer, and some time after the summer, so yeah it should make sense.
It was good enough yeah, i mean it got the job done, i could play with it without many problems, except, it was too thick, and i got like 10% less visibility for all the screen, which is a noticable thing since its a phone screen what we are talking about + my phone (Sony Xperia L3) has a pretty small screen, so yeah.
After some more months, in Nov 21 2022, i sent another picture, which was my second pen
This one was way thinner than the first one, and still worked really well (id say it worked even better)
Though one flag id say it had, its it maybe was too thin, since i have had to get used to play with my first pen, i also got used to how thick it was, so at the beggining it was pretty awkward, but i got used to it after some days.
Okay so as i said, imo it was more fun and challenging to play full drag than tapping most of the notes, but theres also some downs that every player no matter what playstyle they use will notice, specially when dragging.
If u got a 60hz phone, the cursors are gonna have more delay than they should. As i understand, it is a bug with they graphical library that Android uses, and since on Android the number of FPS are locked to ur screen's HZ, it is way more noticable. Specially with a screen that has a shitty refresh rate for input detection (i dont remember how is that called sorry, so u can only get used to it, disable the cursor and use Android's own inscreen cursor which somehow has notably less delay, or just play without any cursor at all)
Sometimes the cursor just glitches out when u hold with more than 1 input for around 2+ seconds. As far as i know, this is a problem of how screens work, so theres no possible fix, at least not that i know about, it may be just my phone.
U tap once and follow, yep, kinda weird but it is what it is. This also happens on lazer and opsu! because theres nothing that the devs could do to fix it as i said.
One step back
2023 started as a pretty cool year, on Jan 6th i got am xbox one x, a new console since the ps3, a fat ps3 on 2013, a superslim ps3 on 2017 (which i still have, though i gotta see if the power supply is broken and gonna try to fix it), oh and also i got a new ps3 on like Feb 2024 so thats 3 times.
But something really bad happened some days after that, which basically made me not have any motivation to play osu!droid for some time.
After some days, i decided to stay at my grandma's house, started playing on my Xbox only, and let the hours, days and months pass. In that time, and everything i did on that time was play Rocket League, nothing else, day and night, 10h a day, 10h a night, even if i bought new games, i wouldnt play them for more than like an hour after buying them, then i would go back to my RL daily routine.
It would be like that until around Summer. Then, on Jul, my dad got me not 1, not 2, but 3 desktop pcs, nothing crazy, just old office pcs from like 2009 or so, but hey something is something.
I decided the first thing i would do to that pc, was not gonna be remove everything from the last owner and reinstall windows, not checking if the HDD was in good state (which 1 of the 2 that were inside wasnt and it failed on me after like 3 months) not even making a new windows user and use it for my stuff until i reinstalled windows.
No, the first thing i did was download osu!, and this is real asf, i got dms with a friend, who was helping me with the trouble of installing the gpu drivers and installing the libraries for osu! to even install.. it was a freaking mess
After around 2h of doing all that stuff, and seeing how everytime there was the same or a new error, i was really gonna say "hey, ill see if i can do it tomorrow", but literally, the second i thought that, and clicked on the osu! logo which was already installed, i saw the screen going black, and i heard "Welcome to osu!"...
U can believe me or not here, but i even cried after something went the way i wanted it to go, i was so happy for finally being able to play osu!, on my pc, i dont think ive ever felt that happy playing any other game for the first time.
After all that i just played what i wanted, didnt think about acc, didnt think about score, just wanted to play osu! and listen to the songs i had played on droid as well.
I played offline for around 1.5 - 2 months with mouse and keypad on that pc, since i didnt have an ethernet cable and couldnt connect wiressly to the router. (im trying to find my first play submitted but idk if i sent it to anyone, so i might not find it)
Didnt take me too long tho to want a keypad, since i knew that was pretty cheap and i could play better than with my 0.50€ 100% keyboard w, so i looked one up, bought it with mx red and mx silent red switches and until now i still play with this thing. I dont know when exactly i got the keypad tho (btw i wanted cherry mx but they gave me outemu reds and gateron silent reds, i didnt realize until like Jun 2024 lmao)
On Oct 10 2023 i got a USB wifi adapter for my pc, so i assume i submitted my first osu!stable score that day
On Nov 30 2023, i got a laptop for 20€, then bought a 240GB SSD for 25€ since it was the only thing it didnt have (thats why it was that cheap)
Then on Nov 15 2023, i got my first tablet for osu!, i saw a Gaomon S620 for only 6€ like 3 or 4 days ago, so i started freaking out, told my dad, he told me to tell the girl who was selling it to save it to me, and after like 2 days, my dad bought it for me, it arrived really fast, im saying like he bought it at like 9pm and it arrived in the morning the next day lmao, so when it arrived i played osu! all day with my tablet and my keypad W
My current area is above before all this osu! story.
On Jul 22 2024, i got outemu brown switches, i am thinking on switching from reds to browns, but i might also be switching between those 2 from time to time, so lets see what happens
Some last words
And not much more to say after all this, i kept playing osu! until now, 8 months after getting my tablet, and i am enjoying the game a lot. Now, instead of only playing RL, i only play osu! because my xbox controller is broken so i will need to get a new one W.
I wanna thank everyone i met on this journey thanks to osu!droid because its been really fun to play or just talk with them, a lot of funny and crazy momments happened, and even if i end up forgetting about most stuff, because my memory isnt good at all, i appreciate they using their time with me, so thanks to everyone!
I hope i can also have the same experience making friends in osu!
I also wanna thank you if u ended up reading all this, thank you for taking all this time just to read my story about how i discovered this game and kept playing.