I'm returning to this. Gonna update the map sometime when I finish tidying up some things. Also, I just had a massive eureka moment and realized I could watch a midi playthrough of the song on YouTube to help me fix the inconsistent LN lengths
Just a suggestion. But that piano part at 01:39:891 - is too much of a banger part to not map the rhythm to. Ofc this is just my personal desire so if you don't want to that's also good. But it fr, that piano goes hard 🔥
There is a problem with my pc currently. I'll have to put this map on hold til the issue gets solved. It might take a while, but it would be appreciated if this map continues to get mods. See ya
Feel free to criticize the living hell out of mine though >:DD
I definitely will need the criticism since this is my first map
I can't exactly change CCost's version. CCost hasn't made a beatmap in months. So unfortunately I won't be changing anything, kinda like perserving a fossil.
I don't wanna leave the left side untouched here. If this is about pitch relevance, i dont find it necessary