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[Emiria]'s Modding History

i wanna keep i wanna emphieze this sound
yeah i blank it for it deliberately iwanna express the sound for 00:30:695 (30695|6,30966|6,31237|6) -
little changed on final of kiai
so i still dont understand what u mean my logic is two note for base drum three notes for snare drum one note 00:18:315 (18315|3) - for this sound LNS for 00:18:587 (18587|0) - this sound
mixed use one note for 'don' two notes for 'ta' two notes for piano , LN for 01:07:562 (67562|6) - this sound so i dont now what u said for
sorry i dont know what u means
no main instrument here
01:55:273 - 02:01:056 - two part corresponding
misrtake fixed
01:48:315 (108315|5) - sound 01:48:948 (108948|0,109038|2,109129|1) - sound 01:54:731 (114731|4,114821|5,114912|6,115093|2,115183|4,115273|6) - sound 01:59:882 (119882|4,120153|5,120333|6) - sound no problem here
i think start at 1/6
01:37:427 - 2 syllable 01:37:812 - 5 syllabl
differnet person have different feeling its not the reason for me to change it althougt its the real stupid pattern for me ,ill change it
for stan's advice to make it like easy to hit
its different i dont hear anything like before
recheck this part fixed
01:19:309 - 01:22:201 - same 01:25:093 - different fix the conistance
they are not the same
they are not the same it is not in same part 01:41:538 - start of the new part so use lns to emphasize, 00:29:243 - drums finish and main instrusment, 02:03:044 - like before and add one more for finish
no reason just want to put it on 7 6 i want make it like that
same instrument
beacuse vocal is not the same
no i will keep didt understand what u means . in my mind it should be like that u didt persuaded me to change it
why it's my design so i do not want to change it
2 part obviously different
i heard vocal here
redo this part
i feel these two part not the same in my opinion
no i wanna keep mine
01:29:249 - start here the vocal changed so i start vocal here
not the same instrument
delete 01.22.382
i think no hitnat here
no this should be like this in my opinion
no piano here i think
no i use LNS to express
no i wanna keep mine