Fun phrases I have found (Mostly from The Fruit of Grisaia or by people on internet):
Once you decide something's impossible, you'll never get anywhere with it.
"Mouse is all you need" - kaspuuks 2024
"Peppy doesnt wake up to see the sunrise, the sunrise wakes up to see Peppy." - LAZEDbyCASH on reddit
"practice thing you are not comfortable at And play stuff you are comfortable at" - Slay 2024
"You can solve any problem with patience, hard work, and smarts" - "Wise words, to be sure... but in my experience, the vast majority of problems can also be solved with cold, hard cash."
"when you want to shutdown your pc but clicked on "Restart" instead" - yt comment on Yakuza OST - Baka Mitai (ばかみたい)
"HR makes game easyer and EZ makes game harder" HazzardFreak ~2014
"just aim the sliders" - EvilGamings 2024
"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"
きみも悪い人でよかった - I'm glad you are evil too
the hollow wiggle - "deconstruction star jumps" - Praw 2024
"When you don't want someone asking you lots of questions, make a nuisance of yourself until they leave you alone."
"Work until your bank account looks like a phone number"