My Opinion on this: The song name are hot trash just like your old username and your profile cover pic.
The chart: Off-sync, Note place down r not align with the music or I mean no rhythm at all, unnecessary anchor.
Suggestion: Delete this when the map went graveyard + there's no point of adding rates cuz no one gonna play it
Conclusion: U have 0 knowledge about mapping and just go around trash-talk about people's map/pack for no fricking reason. Get a life and go touch some grass or finish your homework for school, do something else instead of being a p*ssy on the internet.
The bg is kinda similar to this lol I suggest u change it to keep it (up to ya :P)
Oh well I just realized argue with a kid won't make anything different so... keep trolling. One day u get what u deserve kiddo
say who got the zeta pf cover pic with the statement "i despise dans yet i play them" in the introduction of your profile