]Hey hey hey! I'm just a chill guy that likes to play Osu! Make sure to subscribe on Youtube if you enjoy non-consistent uploads of not-so-good content!
Achievements (from 07.04.21) (THESE ARE IN OSU STANDARD):
Rank 400,000 (08.04.21) 1,400pp total (10.04.21) Top 1000 in country (11.04.21) 1,500pp total (12.04.21) 1,600pp total (21.04.21) Top 900 in country (29.04.21) 1,700pp total (29.04.21) 1,800pp total (31.05.21) 1,900pp total (01.08.21) Top 800 in country (01.08.21) Rank 300,000 (01.08.21) 2,000pp total (10.08.21) Top 700 in country (29.11.21) 2,100pp total (30.11.21) 2,200pp total (20.12.21) 2,300pp total (05.06.22) 2,400pp total (17.10.22) *one two skip a few* 2,900pp total (22.09.23) 3,000pp total (28.09.23) 3,100pp total (20.10.23) I forgot apparently... 3,600pp total (06.08.24) 3,700pp total (23.09.24) top 500 in country (03.11.24) 3,800pp total (04.11.24) 3,900pp total (09.11.24)