I am a Old Player from 2009 but fogor the password from this Account, but already got permission long ago from Osu! Staff to use this account as long as i dont use the old one.
Using quite fequently my new Favorite Bot from Eliteronix to look over my Stats or even compare stuff from other users or Duel them over the bot makes so much fun! It has it own (in my opinion) very accurate Ranking System! Click me to join this awesome Server =)
MY Pinned Scores are Maps that i hit to pass even its not my kind of Playstyle thats why i am Proud of this Playes
Switching from Mouse to Tablet and back since 2013-2019 but right now i am playing on Mouse for 3 Years
Goals and Archivements:
First times: - 100k \o/ - 75k \o/ - 50k Already got this too but... it was befor the first ever pp Change xD - 25k Already got this too but... it was befor the first ever pp Change xD - 10k Already got this too but... it was befor the first ever pp Change xD
Absolutely highest Rank i archived was 5k~ right befor the first ever PP Change. After pp changes 48k~
- 100 pp Play I lost Track when it was hihi - 200 pp Play I lost Track about that too xD - 300 pp Play 10.03.22 305pp on Last Goodby by toby fox - Determination Diff - 400pp ... nice Joke xD
- 4.5k pp Hit it with the 305pp Play aboth - 5k pp Lost it after the last PP Change 2021 =(
He re-introduced me to the game after i lost Track of it. He is a good Childhood friend of mine and i am glad to have him in my Gamiming Years. Sadly he didnt play Osu! anymore =( We Played nearly 12 Years Table Tennis together
I am so glad to meet him randomly in a random clan for idn anymore wich Game it was xD We played so many hours together in various Games that i lost Track how long i know him... but i consider him as a good Friend <3 .... and he is a fucking HR and DT Legend... no HR or DT no Akateus xD
I love him. I meet him and we had many fun days while playing Osu!, Rocket Leauge, CsGo or Apex Legends. Its a plasure to have him around, he helps me and in many ways without noticing it even when i say it to him <3 Sadly he only Plays Mania sometimes... otherwise he do mapping stuff... I wish he would not be so down and play STD agane...
My Osu! Mentor over a long time and a Rival at some Point... Sadly he thinks he should quit Osu! becaus a incident in the Mapping Section, but he should actually fuck of and Play agane. We had so much fun to play and i wish this time come back one day! And because i archived 300pp befor him... you need to do it too... letzgoo boi! <3 Ahhh.... and he is sadly not wysi xD