Snapping: 00:07:976 - unsnapped by -2ms 00:10:538 - unsnapped by 2ms 00:10:891 - unsnapped by 2ms 00:19:270 - unsnapped by -2ms
Hitsounding: there aren't hitsounds from 00:01:448 to 01:01:448, and the same from 01:03:919 to 01:52:272
because of the spread you should make also other diffs more easier
00:18:962 - here the slider can use 1/4 i think
00:09:243 - Slider tail unsnapped
00:52:936 (1) - slider is offscreen
00:29:970 - 00:48:753 - Kiai is unsnapped.
00:29:970 - 00:48:753 - Kiai is unsnapped
00:35:198 (1) - 01:09:632 (3) - these sliders are offscreen
00:48:753 - unsnapped kiai
00:29:970 - 00:48:753 - Kiai is unsnapped in both part
yes my bad for #2
because it's not on everydiff lol
okok :D
I was thinking on something like this, what do you think?