maytide, reclusive, jolly ranchers, ROB, emeskey, osuways05, jellium, urek, ajmosca, peti, rety, felicia, vleth, mayumi, osage, chels, kiino, dino YOU ALL STINK I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
Everyone who gifted me supporter, thank you so much ❤️
🇧🇷 🇨🇦
Reffing break for the near future, not taking tournaments. See you next time! o7
ONGOING ⦿≈.. 5DNA | 5-Digit NA Draft Cup ⦿≈.. 5USC2 | 5-Digit United States Cup 2 ⦿≈.. WC | Wonderland Cup ⦿≈.. FFF | Floral Fury Faceoff ⦿≈.. JWD | Jas' Winter Duo Cup ⦿≈.. OQC4 | osu! Quarterly Cup 4 ⦿≈.. CMC | Crazy Mod Cup ⦿≈.. SST | Star-Spangled Tournament
FINISHED ⦿⌛.. SFSW | Spring Flower Scramble: Wisteria ∴ 9 matches ⦿ 🗹.. BOB | Battle of the Box 2023: Trouble in Boxville ∴ 7 matches ⦿⌛.. 5WC | 5 Digit World Cup 2023 ∴ 7 matches ⦿⌛.. HC6 | Hippo Cup 6 ∴ 4 matches ⦿❌.. HTT2 | Hitomi's Trifecta Tournament 2 ∴ 8 matches ⦿🥇.. FBC | Frost Blossom Cup ∴ 52 matches ⦿ 🗹.. KC | Kage Cup ∴ 24 matches ⦿ 🗹.. SSOT | Secret Society Osu Tournament ∴ 10 matches ⦿🥇.. CTC2 | Carpal Tunnel Cup 2 ∴ 8 matches ⦿ 🗹.. AAAH | All American Auction House ∴ 16 matches ⦿ 🗹.. 🇨🇦💪 | Canada 5WC Tryout's ∴ 8 lobbies ⦿🥇.. BOP4 | Bubbly QT's osu! Party 4 ∴ 14 matches ⦿🥇.. OQC3 | osu! Quartely Cup 3 ∴ 12 matches
2022 ⦿❌.. TNT | The Nut Tournament ∴ 22 matches ⦿ 🗹.. ABC | Accnome's Banger Cup ∴ 32 matches ⦿🥇.. PFSC | Pundice's Fall Suji Cup ∴ 13 matches ⦿🥇.. MMT | Mysterious Maps Tournament ∴ 19 matches ⦿🥇.. OMF2 | Old Map Fantasy 2 ∴ 28 matches ⦿🥇.. NADT | North America Duo Tournament 2022 ∴ 04 matches ⦿ 🗹.. TITS1 | Toti's International Tournament Season 1 ∴ 25 lobbies ⦿ 🗹.. SQ | Aim Cup: Side Quest ∴ 06 matches ⦿🥇.. CES | osu! Intermediate 2022 ∴ 34 matches ⦿🥇.. MRC4 | Manhoola Regional Cup 4 ∴ 32 matches ⦿🥇.. PMS | Palmate Maple Showdown ∴ 32 matches ❤️ ⦿🥇.. 5DDC2 | 5-Digit Draft Cup 2 ∴ 17 matches ⦿🥇.. 2VK | 2V2 KIDS ∴ 08 matches ⦿🥇.. KC | Kackner Cup ∴ 26 matches ⦿ 🗹.. 🍰🍦 | Konoha's Cup Dessert Menu ∴ 11 matches ❤️ ⦿ 🗹..RU | RU RGC Monthly ∴ 3 months, 16 matches ⦿🥇..5DNAD | 5-Digit North American Duos ∴ 27 matches ❤️ ⦿ 🗹.. MST | Mapper's Showcase Tournament ∴ 09 matches ⦿🥇..CDC | Canadian Draft Cup 2022 ∴ 09 matches ❤️ ⦿🥇..SOSC | Sirek's osu! Seasonal Cup ∴ 15 matches ⦿🥇..KNC3 | Konoha Cup: Splash Season ∴ 19 matches ⦿ 🗹..5DCT3 | 5 Digit Canadian 1v1 Tournament 3 ∴ 44 matches ❤️ ⦿ 🗹..HKC2 | HKttyCup 2 ∴ 16 matches ⦿ 🗹..DSS | Dino's Summer Showdown ∴ 05 matches ⦿ 🗹..FKPT2 | Flamming Kitten Pass Tournament 2 ∴ 15 matches ⦿🥇..OCC | Osu Charity Cup ∴ 26 matches ⦿🥇..5USC | 5-Digit United States Cup 2022 ∴ 30 matches ⦿🥇..OT | O Torneio ∴ 09 matches ⦿ 🗹..ZMT6S | Zen's Multi Tourney (6-Digit: Speed) ∴ 40 matches
STARTING SOON ⦿⦿.. CSO | Coul's Scuffed Overskilled 5-Digit Cup ⦿⦿.. VRT | Vid's Rewind Tournament ⦿⦿.. KNC4 | Konoha Cup 4 ⦿⦿.. GSHT3 | Gary's Spring Hidden Tournament 3 ⦿⦿.. CO2 | Crackhouse Open 2