1kpp+ all modes! Currently the youngest taiko player in Vietnam COMING BACK TO MANIA
Xin chào!
Nice to meet you. I'm Azure. I was born in 2011, Phuong Lau Commune, Viet Tri City of Phu Tho Province. I usually play taiko and rarely play mania because I lost my legendary keyboard 😭. Anyways, why don't we head into the things below? I am now an official member of TCD. Don't forget that I also map!!! Tournaments I joined: VOT3 , IGTS 2023 , YGTS 2023 , VNMC 2024 People I must always remember: -Triet-, [ Yuracawaii ], davidminh0111, Reizeii, [MG] Disturbia Collabs: Collab with [MG] Disturbia Collab with [ Yuracawaii ] Venti x Xiao Collab with Reizeii Venti x Scaramouche i love [ Yuracawaii ]